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Caroline's POV
     We walked to the courtyard and I said, " So, what are you teaching me?"

    He said, " First, your bloodlust. We have to make sure you don't rip someone's throat out."

     I nodded, and he flashed away. He came back with 2 blood bags. He said, " Alright, try and fight the urge to get the blood."

     I nodded, and he poured the blood onto his hand, and stood across the courtyard from me.  I tried to not go over, but I failed. I sped over, and grabbed his hand. He said, " Caroline. No."

     I looked into his eyes, and my fangs were starting to come out. He threw me across the room, and said, " I'm stronger than you, love. You need to control it."

    I said, " Klaus, I want the blood. Give me the blood!"

    He said, " No. Try again."

   I nodded.

   After 2 hours, I finally stopped trying to go over and take the blood. He held his hand out with the blood one more time, and I resisted. He wiped the blood off of his hand, and sped somewhere. He came back without the empty blood bags, he came over to me.

    He said, " You did great, love. Defiantly better than the rest of us."

    I smiled, and said, " Whats next?"

    He said, " Well, we can have you get the hang of your speed, and see if you can beat me in a fight."

   I said, " Where to?"

   He smirked and said, " Not here. Mother would kill us, if we break something. Follow me."

    I nodded, and we sped out of the compound. We ran for about ten minutes, and we stopped. We stopped running and we were standing in front of a house. A huge house, with pillars, he said, " This is my family's Plantation house. Down that road, is where I rescued Marcellus. He was a slave of the man that lived here."

I nodded, and we walked to the backyard. There was a pool, and a garden. We walked towards the woods, and walked into the woods. We stopped walking in a clearing, and he said, " Let's see what you got, love."

I nodded, and ran over to him. He threw me to the ground. I went to pin him against the tree, but he grabbed me and put me in a choke hold. He said, " Done, yet?"

I said, " Nope."

I kicked his legs, and flipped him over my head. He landed on his back on the ground. He got up, and said, " Lets see if you can tell which way I am coming at you from."

I nodded, and closed my eyes. I felt him coming at me from the right side. I flashed out of the way, and he hit a tree. I giggled, and he said, "Are you enjoying this, love?"

I said, " Maybe. Why is the big bad Hybrid mad because I didn't let him tackle me to the ground?"

He smirked and said, " You want the big bag hybrid. I was only going easy on you, love."

I smirked and said, " What are you going to do about it?"

He smirked, and disappeared. I looked around, kept wondering where he was. I couldn't see him, but I could sense him. I just couldn't figure out which way he was at. I then got tackled to the ground. He was on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

He said, " Got you."

I said, " Fine. You win. You're stronger."

He smirked, and leaned in. He was about to kiss me, but I quickly flipped us over, broke our lips touched. His hands landed on my waist, and he chuckled.

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