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I woke up the next morning in my bed. I remember coming home last night, amd saying goodnight to my mom, and falling asleep to music.. uh.. Nirvana. And- OH YEAH. I met Kurt Cobain, no big deal.

I pushed the covers off of me and trotted downstairs. My mom was on the couch asleep, the TV still turned to the cooking channel.

I put frozen pancakes in the microwave. I looked at my reflection in the oven. I looked like a mess.

The microwave beeped and I took out my food. This woke up my mom, though.

"Oh, El, your friend Cody drove by last night. He was asking if he could spend the night. I told him you weren't home." She says, standing up and stretching.

"Okay, I'll call him." I muttered, eating the still-slightly-cold pancakes.

I put on my boots and jeans, pulled a hoodie over my Pink Floyd shirt and walked out to my car. I drove a little ways down the street to Citrus' house, and parked in front.

I scurried up to his front door and rang the bell.

Citrus came to the door in his pajamas and an awful bed head.

"Hey El!! Come in." He said, opening the door wider and moving aside, allowing me an entrance.

 "You came over last night?" I said, sitting down on his couch.

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you something."

"And that is...?"

"I don't know how to tell my parents that I'm gay."

I froze. How the fuck do you even respond to that?

"Are you sure that they would accept you and be totally fine with it? I mean.. they seem nice. But nice people can still be complete homophobes." I said. "Also the other way around. I completely support gays and I'm a complete bitch!" I laughed.

"El... I'm serious.." He sighed. "They've told me before that they support gay rights and stuff but they're hardcore Christians and I dunno.. they bible says being gay is a sin.. so I don't know how they'd act.. ESPECIALLY how they'll act when they find out I'm dating Kuno.."

"Citrus, man, if they love you and stuff they'll accept you. When you told me you're gay in eighth grade I was shocked but I love you so I completely accepted you. Your parents will do the same."

"Thank you, El." He smiled, reaching over to hug me.

"I'm goin home." I smiled, kissed his cheek (TOTALLY IN A FRIENDLY WAY), and walkd out to my car.

Should I go home to deal with my mom.. or should I go see Kurt..

This is an easy desicion.


hey guys, thank you so much for reading!!! sorry i havent updated in forever, i"ve been busy on another story called "ghost" on this page also give it a read xx 

also if you love wattpad check out this link;

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