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"Morning," I said to my mom, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Hi sweetie, Happy Birthday." My mom said. I nodded.

The absence of my father on my birthday was unsettling. This is the first year that he has been... gone.

My father and little sister died 5 months ago in a school shooting, the day he was there to visit. It is now just me and my mother. I'm 18, but I don't want to move out and leave my mother all alone. I still have two more months of school left.

"Thanks." I smiled, grabbing a donut from the table and walking out the door to my car.

When I got to school, I went to see Citrus. He's my bestfriend. Only my bestfriend.

We call him Citrus because in sixth grade he had a terrible spray tan accident, and he looked like an orange. His real name is Cody.

"Hey," I smiled. He nodded.

"What's up Dude?" He smiled, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Oh, nothing..." I said, smirking.

"How was your morning?"

"Good," I said. "Its not like today is significant or anything... lol.."

"You're acting weird, Elle. What's up?"

"Its April twenty-fifth!" I smiled.

"Yeah..?" He said. "I know."

"Its my birthday..." I sighed.

"OH!" He said, "I KNEW THAT!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He hugged me. I pushed him off.


I walked in through the front door. I saw Kuno across the hall.

Kuno is my friend, too, with yet another weird ass nickname. His fifth-grade instagram name was spelt wrong (I don't know what he was trying to spell,) whatever it was, he spelt Kuno. He's had this name for eight years.

He walked up to me.

"Whats up?" I said. He smiled.

"I got you a present."

"Woah! You actually remembered?" I giggled. He nodded, and handed me a small box.

It wasn't heavy. I opened it- it was a black box with velvet on the surface. I opened that up.

It was a little Nirvana necklace! You know, the one with the Nirvana smiley face pendant on the black chain.

"Awh!! Thank you!" I grinned, hugging him.

"No problem." He said. I let go and put the necklace on, then started walking to class.

"Bye, Kuno."

"Bye, Eleanor."

I stepped into first period, threw my bag down and sat in my desk. Citrus looked at me. Oh, great.

"What do you want?" I mouthed. He sighed.

I took out my homework. As more people started filling in the seats, Mr.Carlile started taking attendance.

"Hmmph... Eleanor Oxford?" He muttered, eventually.

"Here." I sighed. He checked off my name and looked up, smiling through his moustache.

"Happy Birthday, Eleanor." He said. I smiled and nodded.

He began class, and I dozed off...

The bell rang. The sharp "DING" echoed in my ears. I made my way to second period.

Eventually, lunch came. (6th period)

I stood in line awaiting my crappy cafeteria spaghetti.

Alyssa Reynolds sat at her table, fixing her nails and bathing in compliments.

"Alyssa!! Your eyebrows are soooo on POINT!" "Alyssa! That color totally compliments your eyes." "Cute nails, babe!"

Gross. She wore a pink mini-skirt and a white, fluffy blouse. Her shoes were high-heeled.

Then I looked at myself. Wearing a green t shirt and black skinny jeans, complimented with a grey hoodie, I looked like a skater who says "bruh" too much.

I eventually got my food, and had to walk past Alyssa to get to Kuno.

Suddenly, I was falling for the ground with spaghetti flying towards me. I didn't have time to put my arms out, so I landed face first in a plate of spaghetti.

I looked over to Alyssa and her friends laughing. Alyssa had her foot out. She had tripped me.

"You asshole!" I yelled. Alyssa stood up.

"Excuse me, emo?" She smirked. I punched her in the mouth.

Kuno ran up to us and tried to get Alyssa off of me, but it was no use. She nearly stabbed him with her heel.

Mr. Carlile came up and pulled Alyssa over by her shoulders.

"Girls, please!" He yelled. Alyssa sat down. She didn't have a scratch on her, or any spaghetti stains, but she immediately rushed to fix her lipstick.

"I'll let you off with a warning. And for you, Ms.Eleanor, see me after lunch." He said, turning and walking back to his table.

I still had a huge stain on my shirt. Kuno let me wear his hoodie, though.

I couldn't enjoy my lunch now, so I decided to just go to Mr.C's. I put in my earbuds and walked through the hallway.

I knocked on his door, taking my earbuds out.

"Hello, Eleanor. Your music is deafening." He smiled.

"You can hear it?"

"Yes. Drain You, by Nirvana, right?" He smirked.

"You know them?"

"Oh, yes. I love them."

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, right. Alright, well I saw you wearing that Nirvana necklace today, right?"

"Yes, Mr.Carlile."

"Please, call me Paul."

"Okay, uh, Paul."

"Yes, anyways. You're a fan of Nirvana, hmm?"

"Yessir." I laughed. "I love them. Especially Kurt. But uh... anyways.."

"Yes. So I have a present for you, Eleanor." He grinned widely.


"Oh, uh thank you, uhh Paul.. It's fine, you didn't hav-"

"No, I have to share this with someone. And since it's your birthday, I thought it would be perfect."

At this point, I was considering making a run for it, but something intrigued me...

"Alright, Ms.Eleanor." He said, motioning for me to come further. I pulled a chair up to his desk. "Do you believe in someone... to... just stop aging?"

"What?" I said. "Why?"

"Do you?" He asked again.

"Its not likely... but I'm sure it could happen somehow.... You know more than me, anyways.."

"Its possible, let me tell you that. Someone I know fairly well stopped aging... when he was 27. In 1994. So he's still 27... "

"Sir, that sounds alot lik-"

"I know. I've learned that you are particularly fond of this person. He's been living with me for the past, hmm, 20 years?"

I gasped.

"His name is Kurt Cobain,"

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