Breaking the Habit

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Ok before you guys read this there will be mentions of suicide, drug abuse, drinking, and other stuff that may be disturbing. Continue with caution. You have been warned.

Ari's POV

A few days earlier

I was getting ready to go to the skate park when someone knocked at the front door. Curious as always, I opened the door.

When I saw who was there I froze. Why did he have to come back? Sure he was my best friend when I lived with one of my aunts in California, but then he ruined my life.

You see, I've lived with some of my aunts at one point in my life because either something bad was happening at home or I had another attempted suicide and I needed to get away from Iowa for a while.

Now you may be wondering who showed up. It was Chester Bennington. When I lived in California for my middle school years we were best friends. Sophomore year of high school, Chester blew up at me.

I could tell he was abusing drugs again. I still don't know why I had to take it like he was actually mad at me. I ended up attempting suicide that night.

I was sent to my other aunt's house. She lived in New Jersey. There I met the members of MCR but I'll talk about that later.

When I saw Chester the memories came back to me. I slammed the door shut and darted to my room. I closed the door and locked it.

I started crying. The negative thoughts swarmed my mind and I grabbed a pencil sharpener. I took it apart and cleaned it off properly.

I know I swore I would never cut again but I have to. The memories. I can't take the memories.

I took a deep breath and there was the first cut. Fresh and bloody. To make the pain worse I squirted hand sanitizer into the cut. It stung worse than 10 bee stings.

After adding a few more cuts I cleaned off the blade and hid it where I knew Sid wouldn't be able to find it.

Don't get me wrong Chester is a nice person but the thing that happened in high school scarred me.

The next day Sid knocked on my door and there was MCR. I haven't seen Gerard, Mikey, Ray, or Frank in a long time so we planned to hang out in Iowa on one of their days off.

That day was the day. We ended up going to Hot Topic, Spencer's, and any other place in the mall they would have things we would like.

Then we went back to my place and we watched some scary movies. About an hour after the boys left, Chester came back.

There were more cuts, more memories, more blood lost. It didn't help that Sid wasn't really around because he was always drinking. Once he came back home drunk and he slapped me hard.

I was ready to end it all. To put myself out of my misery. Well now you're all caught up. Sorta but you know almost everything now.

Back to the present time

Why did Chester have to come back. I could have broke his face when I had the chance but I didn't. I didn't break his face because I felt a bond with Chester.

Like a sibling bond in a way. We've had multiple people tell us that we look somewhat similar but I never thought much about it.

Just as I was about to jump I heard the door to the roof I was standing on being slammed open. The poor door.

"Ari don't do it." I looked back to see Sid, Mick, Jim, Corey, Craig, Paul, Chris, Shawn, and Joey looking at me with concern. Then I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a very long time.

"Please Ari don't do it." Mike Shinoda. He was one of the only people who tried to stop me from committing suicide. Then I heard Chester.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I had to do it. No matter what. "I'm sorry guys. I have to do this." My voice was shaking, my purple hair was blowing in the wind. I jumped.

Chester grabbed my arm before I fell any lower than he can reach. With the help of everyone else I was pulled to safety. There was another suicide attempt on the growing list.

I hissed a little. Chester had grabbed where my cuts were. He rolled up my sleeve and saw all of the cuts. He looked at the other arm and I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry Chaz. It isn't your fault I was cutting myself. It was my own fault so please don't cry." Chester looked at me and hugged me. Soon everyone else joined in on the hug.

A few uneventful months passed so this leads to a time skip

It's November 4th and Slipknot along with Ari were packing for the long tour ahead of them.

Ari's POV

Sid said I could come with him and his band for their tour. I still have no idea what their band is called which sucks.

I made sure I have everything I need. I grabbed my mask just in case I need it for something. Oh and for good measures, drumsticks.

"Sid needs to tell me the name of his band already like damn. My birthday is in a few days which is nice. I wonder what Sid is going to get me."

I heard someone knocking at the door. Oh god. It's Joey. That's kinda sus.

"Hi Joey. What's up with the flowers?" He looked at me and then looked down. I was confused. "Well, I was wondering if maybe you would want to go on a date with me? I mean you don't have to but Sid said that you have a crush on me soooo..." I looked at Joey for a second. "Yeah I would like to go on a date with you. But first, SIDNEY GEORGE WILSON I SWEAR I WILL BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS!" Joey laughed. I noticed how cute his laugh was. We have been hanging out a lot these past few months. "Time to murder Sidney."

Time skip

Ari's POV

I thought things would get better. In the end, things got worse. Some whore started making out with Joey. He was kissing her back. Sure we started dating a little while ago but still, it hurts. Everything hurts and it's to the point where I want to go home. I want to go back to that boring town in Iowa. I don't care anymore.

Sid stopped talking to me. He acts like I don't exist. What the fuck did I do to him to make him treat me like I'm a ghost. Like I don't exist.

I thought I was breaking the habit, but I even failed at that.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I was quite depressed when I was writing this but I'm ok now. Still a little depressed but otherwise I'm ok. In the middle of writing this the changes I had made didn't save so that's why it is being published now instead of it being published yesterday. Anyway see ya losers.

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