Break Stuff

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Ari's POV

I ended up passing out from shock, only to be awoken by Sid pouring freezing cold water on my face. After a minute the memories came back to me. I was instantly enraged. Who would break some one else's drum set for no particular reason? Britney would. Just thinking about the little shit made me angry. When I heard someone scoff I jumped up and ran towards them. Both Mick and Jim tried to hold me back but Mick got punched in the gut and Jim got kicked where the sun don't shine. One thing you should know is you don't fuck with me when I'm mad. Once I was about a foot away from Britney I tackled her to the ground and I started repeatedly punching her. I was gonna break her fucking face.

Joey's POV

In all honesty it was kinda funny seeing Ari fight through both Mick and Jim with just one hit to each of them. I would try to get Ari off of Britney but I was to scared to. Why you may be wondering? Cuz ur a pussy Joey!! Shut up Author Ari!! Anyway I was to scared to interfere because I didn't want to get hit by Ari and as a fellow drummer I feel her pain. Okay, not all of it but the pain that's directed to the fact her drum set is ruined. It was surprising how well Ari could fight.

Sid's POV

After like 10 minutes of Ari beating the shit out of Britney we pulled her off of Britney. (Did that make any sense? Idk but whatever) My sister did a number on Britney's face. It looked like her nose was broken. Serves her right though. She broke Ari's drum set for no reason at all, and she paid a great price. I quickly remembered the playlist I had made for Ari. I was gonna give it to her because, well... ya know...tomorrow is kinda the anniversary of our dad's death. I knocked on Ari's door only to get no response. I opened the door a crack to see her hunched over and crying. "Ari? Are you okay?" She instantly looked up and glared at me with her signature death glare.

"Do I look okay Sid? Well I'll tell you something, I'm not o-fucking-kay.  You saw what happened! That little bitch did what she did for no fucking reason! What do you want me to do? Say sorry that I broke your face to her? Fuck no! If your just going to lecture me about how I shouldn't of done what I did then just leave me alone. You don't seem to care anyway." What she said shocked me. I didn't know what to say.

"Well I guess I'll just leave you alone. If you want to talk to me, you'll know where I'll be." I set down the CD case and left. Tears were brimming my eyes. I walked down the stairs and saw all the guys look at me. I didn't see Joey anywhere so I thought he went home or something.

Ari's POV

When I stopped crying I looked at what Sid set down before he left my room. It was a CD. I decided to play it. The first song that played was Cemetery Drive by MCR. The second song that played was Know Your Enemy by Rage Against the Machine.

Time skip bitch

Still Ari's POV btw

I didn't know what to say. Did Sid make that playlist just for me? "SID!" I yelled. I heard Sid run up the stairs in a panic. When he opened the door he charged at me and he hugged me quite hard. Without saying anything, we just hugged. I cried a little. "I'm so sorry for everything I said about you being a bad older brother Sid." He looked at me. "It's ok A, I should have been a better brother. I should have taken better care of you. Wanna go skate like we used to?"

I looked at him and nodded my head yes. Sid went into the attic to find his skateboard. His deck had Transformers on it for obvious reasons. My deck had a galaxy design on it. I thought it was cool. I've always liked space and the mystery it holds. I put on my Slipknot hoodie and we were off to the skate park.

Sid's POV

Ari did a kick flip. Her board broke. She hit her head. She got hurt and I feel like it's my fault. I was the one who suggested that we go skating. "ARI! Hey Ari please wake up! FUCK!" I panicked. I didn't know what to do. I called Joey. He lives near the skate park we were at. "JOEY YOU NEED TO GET OVER TO THE SKATE PARK BY YOUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" I could tell Joey was confused. "Uh Sid what happened?" "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER JUST GET OVER HERE!" "Ummm ok? I'll be there in 5" Joey hung up. I looked at my little sister. I still haven't told her that I'm in Slipknot. I don't want her to think of me differently because of it. We are going on tour soon so maybe I can surprise her by letting her come with us. We do have a show on her birthday so maybe that's when I'll surprise her.

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