Chapter 13

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Russia POV

Everyone was standing outside of Philippines's hut, waiting for any good news. Russia hoped he had been right about the medicine. China and North were talking, most likely about Poland and Germany's feeling.

That the cannibals were still lurking around.

Soon enough, North and China set off to strengthen the gate. The last thing they needed right now was another cannibal attack. They didn't need anyone getting eaten.

Russia stood, not wanting to sit on the ground and hurt his hip, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed. Poland was asleep in the shade of a tree. Her and Germany had run all the way to the town in a day, and ran all the way back in almost the same amount of time, without stopping. When they both arrived, they had looked about to drop dead from exhaustion.

But Germany still had a job to do. He still had to give Philippines the medicine. America was sitting by Russia, thinking.

Russia wondered if he was thinking about what Russia wrote the other day.

I'm muted.

What exactly had Russia meant to say. He had only said what came to his mind, he was even confused by it.

Germany emerged from Philippines's hut, and was met with the curious gazes of the others, and the desperate gaze of Vietnam.

" I gave her the medicine," said Germany," That's all I can do for now."

" What are we supposed to do now," asked Vietnam, worriedly.

Germany wobbled on his feet," We wait."

Then he fell face first on the grass, asleep before he hit the ground.

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