#. Yes

789 9 12

No, I'm not being lazy on what prompt number this is. I'm not going to tell you guys until the end. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA! Also, uh, Wylie thinks something about 6 years, well, let's just say they understand when time passes. Capisce? k, onto the oneshot!

I looked down. The nerves were getting to me. As Linh sat in front of me, I couldn't help but panic. Every time I tried to tell her, something would happen, and her beauty and personality would make me chicken out. 


You'd think after 6 years of dating we'd be past the awkward dinner dates. 

"I need to tell you something," we both blurted at the same time. 

"Oh," Linh said. "You can go first it's fine."

"No, you go ahead."

Linh looked at me in amusement. "Seriously, Wylie, just say it. I'll say my thing after."

"No, you."

"No, you!"

"No. You can go first, Linh!"

"...I'm good."

"...Okay then..."

We were saved from awkwardness by the waitress putting our meal down on the table. 

I had never been happier for food.


I was sweating. 

You may wonder, what's making calm, gentle, sweet Linh sweat and stress?

Well, here's the thing. 

I've been putting off telling him for a while now. 

It's just stressful!

I took a deep breath. I knew I had to do it, so why not now?

Perfect setting. 

I got down on one knee, squeezing my eyes shut, and pulling out the black box.



We both said at the same time. 

I looked at him. 

He looked at me. 

We both whispered into each other's shoulder, crying tears of happiness, 


Phew! That was short! But I'm trying here! Thank you so much for so many views, comments, and votes. It's like, 630-ish views-which is more than I thought all of my books combined would get, 300+ comments, majority done by one person *you know who you are*, and like, 41 votes!

Thank you guys so, so, much, and have a great day/night.

Love u peeps!

Ciao bellas, bellinos, and all non-binary-os!

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