#. Twister

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Please. If you are of age, Vote. As one of your Canadian neighbors, please don't kill your country. Or the world for that matter. Also, sorry this one is so short! Have fun!


I stretched with grace my leg over to a red circle. Sophie somehow already tripped. It was our first spin.

"LEFT ARM YELLOW!" Fitz stretched his leg over to a yellow circle, glaring at Tam, Keefe, Linh, Dex, and I in the process. "KEEFE! RIGHT FOOT YELLOW!" Keefe stretched so that his leg was in front of Fitz's face. "LEFT LEG BLUE!"

Tam glared at Marella and stretched his arm over his leg.

"HaHA! Linh-Right arm yellow!" Linh smiled sweetly then stressfully. She reached her right arm towards Fitz and Keefe. Her arm ended beside Fitz's squat (NGL this is all what happens with Twister whenever I play.) "BIANA! LEFT ARM BLUE!"

Showing off, I twisted when I moved, and reached all the way across the mat. "Fitz! RIGHT ARM GREEN! KEEFE! RIGHT ARM RED AND TWIST!" Keefe twisted in a delicate arc then smirked at a watching Sophie.
"Checking me out, Foster?"

"Tam-RIGHT LEG GREEN!" Tam swung his leg around and kicked Keefe down to the mat, then placed it on green.


Keefe was out. So was Linh. And Dex. Fitz had his leg in the air. It was my turn.

"Biana-right arm green!" I noticed Tam was distracted and staring at my face, so I decided to take advantage of that. I smiled at him, then swept his legs in movement just like he had done with Keefe. Tam gasped when he hit the floor, then made a fake pouty face. "And here I was thinking you loved me."

I blew him a mocking kiss. "OOOOH! FITZ-LEFT LEG IN THE AIR!"

Fitz snorted. "That's easy!"

Fitz went into a handstand, or at least tried to.

He pushed off with his hands too much, making his legs get caught in the chandelier.

He was swung back and forth with the momentum, and ended up straddling the chandelier.

"AGAIN!?!?!" he screeched.

Marella, Linh, and I all looked at each other, then whispered in unison, 


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