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I do not own any of the characters, the lovely Shannon Messenger does, and I could never think up any of these characters and personalities. Except for the 'occasional' mention of Chandi Leir. Even her I barely own, she has the personality of a Chandelier.  

Next, you know, the prompts? Cause those are important. Comment what ship!

1. "Just be here. With me. Right now."

2. 💖Make our Tammy Boi Rapunzel (I don't care how, just do it. BECAUSE I REAAAALLY NEED TO SEE BIANA AS FLYNN RIDER...or whatever-OOO MAYBE DO KAM THEN KEEFE CAN BE FLYNN AND-) *starts squealing and fangirling in a corner*

3.  sweet innocent cuddling. Cause we all need more hugs in our lives.  

4. *Person a* doesn't like talking on the phone, but *person B* always calls them instead of texting. *Person b* admits that it's because they want to hear *Person a*'s voice. (Generator Made)

5. 💖*Person A* wants a cat. *Person B* buys a kitty-ear headband and tries to be cute. (Who else sees Wylie doing that for Linh. Huh? Anyone? *dopey Edaline smile fades*...okay then) (Generator Made)

6. *Person A* is playing with *Person B*'s hair and finds a grey hair. *Person B* then has a quarter-life crisis. (KEEFE OR TAM NEEDS TO BE PERSON B!!! OR BOTH!!! *continues fangirl screeching) (Generator Made)

7. 💖Thunderstorm Fear/preggie

8. 💖*Person A* and *Person B* go grocery shopping together for the first time. *Person B* excitedly fills the cart with various snacks and *Person A* wonders how to break it to them that they can't afford all this. (Generator Made)

9. *Person A* and *Person B* are playing rock paper scissors for the last cookie, but they tie every time. They decide to set up a grand tournament or duel to decide the winner. (Please make them fling mashed potatoes at each other in the end. Don't ask-) (Generator Made)

10.💖 Do some Solvar 😏

11. 💖Person A sits behind Person B in class. Person B is always stretching their arms back and Person A is always moving stuff around on their desk so they don't hit it one time when they stretch. The one time Person A doesn't move their stuff, Person B picks up the plastic water bottle only to find Person A wrote their phone number on the bottle. Throughout the rest of History Class, they both are smiling ear to ear despite the class being as dreary and boring as usual. (That one is inspired between me and this girl who sits in front of me. I don't have a crush on her or anything, even tho she's awesome, but she's just constantly knocking things off my desk.)

*takes a break because my teacher is actually saying something important*

*Realizes that she needs to finish this today*

*types while sweating as the mental deadline demon cracks its knuckles*

12. They all get looped into a prank kudos to Keefe

13. "How did I fall in love with you, you idiot?"

14. 💖"I didn't fall! I'm just...taking a nice rest leaning inside the fridge..."


16.💖 Person A and Person B making crafts that remind them of one another. (generator made)

17. 💖A asks B to set them up on a blind date. A then gets set up with B

18.💖 Person B getting up in the middle of the night to make a snack and accidentally waking up Person A because they didn't stop the microwaves obnoxious beeping in time. (generator made)

19. 💖Biana takes a shower and then has a mental breakdown, and *a* calms her down by getting her to talk about it while *a* braids her hair. Could be platonic if u want, but I won't do it platonically

20. 💖Person B and Person A are strangers and fight over the last bottle of champagne at the store. (generator made)

21. 💖Because what would prompts be without your classic SOULMATE AU

22. Person B gets the hiccups, causing Person A to laugh every time they try to talk until Person A gets the hiccups too. (generator made)

23. Person B: *sighs* Guess we're going to have to hope our kids take after me then. (generator made)

24. Take the Sophie ship war. Think about who you ship her with, then do the exact opposite ship

25. Person A and Person B were internet friends but they both left the platform, 5 years later they meet each other and don't know that it was the same person until their wedding day

26. 💖"We'll just order in"

27. 💖*a* tries out a bunch of pick-up lines they found online on *b*, who they are already married to. *B* tries their hardest to deflect them, but they just keep getting weirder eventually resulting in both of them falling over laughing.

28.💖 Twister...that's all I'm gonna say

29. 💖Not really a one-shot, but pretend you ship Tam and Linh and list why

30. "WHO ATE ALL MY DORITOS!?!?!?" *B* is licking their fingers covered in Dorito Dust

31. 💖Your traditional nerd love

32. 💖*A* prank calls a random number, who is *B*, and *A* is randomly flirting to this 'stranger' and *b* flirts back

33.💖 *A* and *B* propose at the same time after a conversation of, "I have something to tell you" and "No you go first!" 

so in case you don't read my KOTLC Thoughts and Theories, but for some reason you read this, these are from a prompt challenge I made celebrating 33 days until Unlocked gets, well, UNLOCKED! 33 prompts for 33 days.

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