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Okay so first, you guys all rule. Second, I tooootally didn't change the prompt. What? Me? noooooooo pshawwwwwwww. 

Kay, I changed it. But only cause I had a good idea! Lastly, what's everyone gonna be and/or do for Halloween? I'm gonna be Taco Belle (Beauty and the Beast ball gown with taco boxes all over) and have a party w/ my best friends *who are in my bubble*. The party is also gonna count as my b-day, BECAUSE IT'S IN LIKE 3-4 DAYS!!! WOOT WOOOOOOOOT!!! Now onto the one-shot!

(Regular Elven world.)

Sophie was out of the house. She had gone to the Vacker's for a sleepover with all her friends. Grady and I were in the house alone. So we did what we always did.

Have heated ship debates about our daughter's friends. 

Currently, it sounded something like this.

"THAT TAM KID IS HER TYPE! HE'S HOT  A N D   A BAD BOY! TIANA FOR LIFEEEEEEE" I shouted from on top of our table.

"YEAH. But Eda! Dex is our nephew! Of course we should side for him!"

"Yeah. Cause that worked out sooo well with Sophie," I said sarcastically, getting off the table.

"Well," Grady paused. "She's 17. She's not married yet or anything!"

"I thought you were on Fitz's side? Which I still don't understand by the way," I added. "He broke Sophie's heart, and that's literally breaking the only rule on your 'dating criteria' you wrote for Sophie."

Yeah. For Sophie's 16th birthday (we started celebrating for her sake), my husband got her a criteria list of who to date or not. He's a wacko. 

"BUT HE APOLOGIZED!!! FITZPHIE FOREVER!!!" Grady yelled, throwing his lushberry juice in the air.



"KEEFE IS HOTTER! AND NICER! AND SWEETER! AND FRIGGIN' CARES MORE!" I took a deep breath to stop my panting. "I bet you 500 trays of mallowmelt they end up dating. A lifetime supply of mallowmelt they end up married."

"Deal." We shook on it.


I smirked at my wife. "Pay up, Eda."

Edaline grumbled and handed me a key. "My office has it all in there."

I smirked. While I wasn't too happy to see that Vacker boy sucking my daughter's face off, I still got a nice 500 trays of mallowmewlt. I'll eat that first, THEN get mad at him.

...okay they're getting to close now. That's close. That's...passionate. Dear lord how much closer can they get!?!?!



"Fitz *Sob*-cheat*sob*-me*sob*-Chandi Leir? *sob*-WAAAAAAAAAAAAA" 

Fitz had cheated on Sophie. That little son of a-

Grady poked my arm. "Eda? Translate?" He whispered.

"Fitz cheated on Sophie with this random girl in his level named Chandi Leir," I whispered back. 

I could practically see the steam coming out of Grady's ears. "Sophie? Honey? How about you go upstairs and I'll bring you up some mallowmelt after? Okay?" I asked with a sad smile. She nodded and sniffled up the stairs. "Grady. Calm down."

He sputtered an incohesive sentence, the only words I could catch were "That boy."

"Hey. Right now we have to be there for Sophie. So you suck it up and lend her some of that mallowmelt." He grumbled but went on his way. "Oh and Grady?"


"I want all that mallowmelt back," I smirked


"Better start baking, sweetie," I murmured to Grady smirking.

Grady was sputtering as we both watched Keefe propose to Sophie under the panakes tree. It had been about 7 years since Fitz cheated on her, so quite some time. Sophie had gotten us something called a calendar from the forbidden cities, so we were able to keep track of the years passing. 

Despite us both giving Keefe our blessing, I don't think Grady really process it would happen.

I could tell Grady was secretly smiling to himself, muttering "that boy"

Grady froze. "Wait a second. We have an infinite lifespan."

I looked at my husband smirking. "Don't challenge my OTP next time."


This was literal trash peeps. Love you guys, but it kinda sucks. 

Okay, this one really sucked. But I was multi-tasking while writing this, and I'm now watching the Billie Eilish Livestream (Woot wooot!)and I really gotta go soooo...

Ciao bellas and bellinos

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