Chapter 20

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Location: Rhodes Island, Spade's Room

Slowly waking up, Ch'en groaned as she opens her eyes to see someone in the room.

???: Good grief, you're a mess.

Ch'en: Why are you here? Where's my squad?

???: What if I told you they were all K.I.A?

Ch'en: Are you itching for a beating, then you'd better queue up behind Reunion.

???: I see your tongue is as sharp as ever. How come your performance in battle doesn't follow suit?

Before the two could fight each other, Hoshiguma stop them.

Hoshiguma: Swire, would it kill you to be a little less sarcastic towards her?

Hoshiguma: Swire, would it kill you to be a little less sarcastic towards her?

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Swire: Hmph.

Hoshiguma: You too Ch'en, you only just woke up.

Ch'en: ...What happened?

Swire: You and your team retreated to Lungmen about 45 minutes ago. However, the Reunion had followed your trail. Rhodes Island and the L.G.D cleared the Reunion forces that were blocking your way. Just as you thought everything had settled down, you took a blast head-on and was knocked unconscious.

Ch'en: ....

Swire: Seriously, had you not have lowered your guard back there, our counterattack would have already started.

Ch'en: I'm not in the mood right now for you to Chastise me. Run along and find something else to do, kid.

Swire: ...You bitch...

Ch'en: Huh! What did you just say?!?!

Swire: Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to repeat myself? Because I ain't!

Hoshiguma: Hey, hey. Calm down you two. Or someone will get angry with the noise.

Ch'en: I don't care! I'm going to teach this bitch a lesson!

Swire: C'mon then!


Suddenly, eight flaming knives flew by and embedded themselves on the wall. 

Ch'en: Who?!

Both Ch'en and Swire turn to look to see Spade with an annoyed expression and holding a coffee pot in one hand and a cup in the other.

Spade: I just woke a few minutes ago and you're already shouting at each other! Do you have nothing to do other than fighting?!?!

Spade asks as he takes a sip from his mug before slamming it into the ground and magical getting another one.

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