Chapter 7

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Location: Lungmen Slums

Spade: Smoke out!

Spade threw a smoke bomb directly at Skullshatterer, causing the nearby area to be covered in thick layers of smoke.

Spade: Everyone! Let's go! Me and Texas will show you the way!

Amiya: Miss Misha! Please follow us!

Misha: How... can this be...

Texas: This way, hurry!

The operators went through the slums with Spade and Texas at the front, Amiya, Misha, and Dr. Linda behind them, and the rest at the rear.

Misha: Are they also...? 

Amiya: Yes... Reunion, they're also...infected.

Misha: Why? Why are the infected fighting each other...


Skullshatterer: ....

Reunion Member: Skullshatterer... You... let them go?

Skullshatterer: Don't worry... They can't run. Buy I've finally found her...


Texas: We've arrived. 

Franka: Are you serious?

Texas: That's what it says on Spade's map.

Franka: But... this route is heading up, isn't it? How's that going to help us?

Exusiai: Spade! Up here!

From the top of the stairs, Exusiai shows herself.

Spade: Is it clear?

Exusiai: Yep!

Spade: Good work partner! Alright, everyone let's head up.

Spade was the first to head up, then Texas, then the rest of the operators. When they finally reached the top, they could see multiple rooftops connected by wooden platforms.

Dr. Linda: [gasp] Is this [gasp] the way?

Dr. Linda asks as she gasps for air.

Spade: Yep. By the way you should workout more or at least take off that heavy jacket. You're sweating all over, including you, Amiya.

Amiya: Shut [gasp] up!

Exusiai: Oh Texas! You're here!

Texas: Yes

Spade: Hey Texas?

Texas: Hm?

Spade: How was Quickfang?

Texas: It was okay.

Exusiai: Spade, don't listen to what she says, she loves it! Do you know that she spends 3 hours of her free time cleaning it?

Texas: He doesn't need to know that!

Spade: Aww~ is that so? I didn't know you like my gift so much, Texas! You can keep it. I still have some in my inventory. 

Texas: I-I do...

Texas sent a glare at Exusiai, to which she responded by mouthing the words: "Go get'em girl".

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