Chapter 35

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Location: Lungmen

The once frost barren place was now reduced to a few puddles and droplets, the light from Spade's flames disappeared as his eyes returned to its usual hue.

Dr. Linda was the first to move among the group. Cradling Frostnova in her arms as she screamed her name. But her voice could not be heard, not with those bleeding ears of hers.

Frostnova: ...Go. My death... is not worth the watch.

Weak words escape from Frostnova's lips.

Amiya: Doctor...

Dr. Linda: I'm staying.

Amiya knew she couldn't convince Dr. Linda to go, her arts and the resolve in her eyes showed it all. She really liked this version of her Doctor, a confident but still awkward girl that was a contrast from her personality before.

Amiya: Ok... Blaze, Greythroat, Sp-

Spade: I'm staying as well.

Spade could barely stand, the familiar pain from the infection in his gloved hands growing. He can't help but wanting to cut his hand off, but it'll come at a cost.

Amiya: ...Then please, protect the Doctor.

Spade nodded before felting, causing him to look to see Frostnova staring at him.

Frostnova: You...

Spade: Me?

Frostnova: You're the boy Patriot told me about... The son of the Gunslinger...

Spade: You're... Yelena? 

Frostnova: Yes... [sigh] I really... wanted to meet you. But not in these circum... stances

The air suddenly got warmer as the ice starts to melt at a fast pace.

Spade: I would've liked that too. We could've been friends if we had met earlier.

Frostnova: [cough] Can you tell this to him in my place? "Thank you, Father." Don't sugarcoat it, he'll know if you did.

Spade: I will.

Frostnova: I know I'm asking a lot... but for one last selfish request... can you make your flames again? I want to feel its warmth before I go...

Kneeling across Dr. Linda, Spade summons a small group of flaming knives that positions itself to be the shape of the sun as it floats near Frostnova, she smiles tiredly at the comfortable warmth it gave out.

Frostnova: It's... feels nice... cozy even...

Dr. Linda: Yeah...

Frostnova reached her hand out to touch the floating knives but was suddenly stopped by Spade, who grabbed her hand.

Spade: Careful! You'll cut and burn your fingers at the same time if you get too close.

Dr. Linda: Spade, you're-!

Spade: Hm? I'm just touching her hand, Doc.

Dr. Linda: What...?

Dr. Linda hesitantly grabbed Frostnova's other hand, softly and immediately squeezes it before realizing her hands weren't freezing.

Dr. Linda: Frostnova... you're symptoms are gone...

Frostnova: I know... it feels nice, the warmth radiated by others... 

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