Chapter 37

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Location: Chernobog,  Command Tower

W: You'll still talk to me? That's a surprise. I thought you were totally caught up in your plan to destroy Lungmen, Talulah. 

Talulah: W. You haven't given anyone notice of your visit. 

W fiddled with her remote as Talulah glared at the Sarkaz, obviously not liking her demeanor.

W: Hah. Oops, my bad. I've been a mercenary for too long, forgot all about that reporting-every-detail-of-my-life-to-the-boss thing. Sorry, Leader. But you know I can't go all the way up to the top of the command tower, so I have to ask you to stoop to my level.

Talulah: Your sarcasm isn't doing us any good, W. Reunion needs the might of the Sarkaz, and we should strive not to add any more personal conflicts between us.

W: Just call us devils. Only the bleeding hearts and self-righteous call us Sarkaz. Us mercenaries? We know exactly what we are.

Talulah: Strange. Devils, the "inferior race of the banished." You mercenaries cannot accept this definition, nor will you take pride in it.

W: Duh. But your people started calling us "devils," not as a hate thing, or because it was catchy or whatever. Devil is a "fear" thing. You people called us that because we scare you. So us mercs like being called "devils," because we know exactly what it really means. And we always make good and sure anyone left alive takes the subtext straight to heart. Oh, sorry– Me yapping on about this is like trying to show off in front of an expert, isn't it? We're a no-name merc squad famous for brutality. But compared to you? Why, that's like a worm trying to go up against a crab. After all, Leader, nobody scares people better than you.

Talulah: "Inflict terror upon your enemies, and provide warmth for your friends." To strike fear into our enemies and bring hope to our comrades. That is the way Reunion has always done things.

W: Really now~? So you view us "devils" as enemies 'ey?

Talulah: No. But I do need to keep my guard up whenever you're here.

W: Should I be honored to hear that?

Talulah: Tell me, W, what doubts do you still have?

W: None. You've made a great case. Want a standing ovation?

Talulah: No need.

W: Then let's talk about my mission. Bad news is I failed. I didn't manage to bring back my target, and she wouldn't give me the thing.

Talulah: How unfortunate. But do not worry, our plans are still in motion. We won't be needing the girl anymore.

W: And Spade, what do you plan to do about him?

Talulah: The Wildcard... He's certainly difficult to deal with. But everyone has a weakness, no matter how much of a trump card they are.

W: You're kidding.

Talulah: I mean it.

W: Don't tell me you're ready to kill me after a little bit of teasing.


W threw a bomb when she felt an invisible wave of heat approach her body. The blast was just powerful enough to block most the heat wave.

Talulah: Your little tricks are actually able to neutralize my Originium Arts. I might have underestimated you.

W: Hey, this "little trick" took me hours to put together. Show some respect, huh? But if a little bit of your fire was all it took to make me roll over and die, what kind of devil would follow me?

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