Chapter 1: Avatar and Princesses

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Korra and Asami smile at each other as they hold hands and walk towards the spirit portal. They are so immersed in each other's gazes that they don't notice the glitches occurring around the portal's entrance.

"Ready to start our vacation?" Korra asks as she and Asami step into the middle of the portal's light.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything." Asami smiles sweetly at Korra, grasps her face between her hands and leans in to kiss the Avatar. Korra eagerly reciprocates the kiss and wraps her arms around the gorgeous CEO's waist. The light from the portal suddenly changes from it's light green glow to one of a blackish green. It flashes brightly and the pair disappears in it. The portal then disappears completely from existence.

Bow, Glimmer, Catra and Adora continue to hold each other in their group hug, giggling and joking around with each other after successfully defeating Horde Prime.

" and Catra huh?" Bow teases and watches Glimmer who giggles and looks over at the two new lovebirds. "I saw that coming."

"No you did not!" Catra shrieks in denial.

"Oh, come on Catra. You tried to kill Adora so many times, it just had to be love." Glimmer continues the tease fest that Bow started.

"Adora! Don't just stand there, back me up!"

Adora just smirks at Catra and bumps her hips with hers. "I knew you it was because you liked me."

"Urgh! Not you too." Catra huffs and rolls her eyes. "You princesses and your stupid ideas."

At the same time, all the other members of the Rebellion start setting up camp where they were, not wanting to leave their site of victory just yet. They all felt that staying there and basking in their hard earned victory was a good way to unwind for the evening after a long, exhausting, emotionally draining war. Perfuma and Scorpia took it upon themselves to gather up the now confused and displaced clones and help them set up their own camp site nearby until they can come up with a game plan tomorrow with the others. But for now, everyone needed some rest.

Just as the Best Friend Squad parted from their embrace, a very dark green glitch of light caught their attention in the sky, just under the freshly formed plant spire. "Uh, guys....what is that?" Bow exclaimed anxiously and pointed to something suddenly rapidly falling from the sky and right towards them. As the strange object got closer to them, they all gasped as they realized that it was actually two people barreling towards them in a panic.

"Korra?!" Asami shouted as wind blew quickly past her ears. She held her hands closely to her chest with her knees bent into them and her eyes were shut tightly, not wanting to see herself fall to her doom. "Maybe this was a bad idea. The spirit world is trying to kill us!" Asami thought to herself.

"Don't worry Sami, I'll never let anything bad happen to you." As they were nearing the ground, Korra grabbed hold of Asami by her waist, activated the Avatar state and airbended them safely to the ground. Asami was clutching to Korra for dear life, which caused the Avatar to blush. "It's okay. I got you. We're safe now." She whispers softly to her new lover in her arms.

As they floated down to the ground, Adora caught sight of the white light of one of the strange women's eyes. "For the honor of Grayskull!" She immediately stepped in between her friends and the strangers, now transformed as She-Ra, thinking Korra was someone like Horde Prime due to her glowing eyes.

"Whoa, whoa!" Korra frantically steps in front of Asami, holding out a protective arm in front of the gorgeous black haired woman. "Who are you?" Korra was confused at the sight of the woman standing in front of them. She was at least 8 feet tall and the energy she felt coming off of her felt weird but also familiar, but definitely also intimidating.

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