Broken Glass pt.2

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TW: substance abuse

trixie was a wreck. disappointment after disappointment. katya's statement stood true. she never did contact trixie again. that stung. it burned a hole in trixie's heart. it was her fault though. katya hates her now and she couldn't even blame her.

trixie moved along with her mother and her little sister, evie. they stayed at a friends house for now, but soon they were gonna be in their own place. trixie waited all these years to get away from her dad only to become him. trixie drank a lot. she started staying out late on the weekends, getting too intoxicated to remember where she was.

what trixie didn't know was katya was always there, watching her demise from the sidelines. it pained her. katya knew she smoked too much and she also knew trixie drank too much. there were times katya would hear her name slip out of trixie's mouth while she was drunkenly grinding on strangers.

"do you know katya za-zamolod- you know katya?"she would say. katya would listen to whatever that conversation was. no matter what their answer was, trixie would talk about her. how blue her eyes are and how deeply she cared about her.

she felt terrible about it, but she missed trixie. after every vile thing she said about her, she missed her. she cried for weeks straight. she said she would never contact her again and she was a woman of her word.

katya stopped smoking. she realized that she couldn't remember anything lately and it sucked. she was doing poorly in school, she lost her girlfriend, and she'd probably never be allowed on the gymnastics team again. she drank occasionally, never too much though. she eventually stopped going to parties too. she couldn't stand to see how fucked up trixie was. katya lived her senior year as if it were her last hurrah, free of trixie mattel.

the school year was coming to an end. katya was going to college in boston. she didn't even know where trixie was going. that plagued her. her mind ran wild with where trixie could be found. even though katya didn't want to find her.

prom was here, staring at katya dead on. she dreaded it. she loved dressing up and seeing everyone look their best, but she knew she'd only be able to stare at trixie. katya had a date which made everything even worse. she matched her tux to alaska's dress. a deep teal silk ball gown that perfectly draped against her pale skin. when alaska sent her a picture of her in the dress, she contemplated asking her to be her girlfriend right then and there.

trixie picked at the back of katya's mind. she wondered if trixie was dating someone or if she had a date to prom or if she was going at all. that was the only thing stopping katya from falling madly in love with alaska.

alaska knew of trixie and katya. she knew they ended badly and they haven't spoken since. alaska had no reason to worry about if katya still loved trixie. they were over a long time ago. katya should be ready to move on.

a gaggle of girls in beautiful dresses and guys (katya included) in tuxes stuffed into a limo. they drank some champagne and yelled kesha at the top of their lungs. katya felt bad for their driver having to listen to this.

they arrived at the school and katya was immediately pulled onto the dance floor. alaska pressed her body close to hers and grinded to some shitty rap song that was playing. katya kind of was into it. she thought alaska was a cool chick and she liked the fancy lights. she couldn't keep her eyes steady though, her eyes searched for her around this busy room.

soon, they were surrounded by all the people that joined them in the limo. katya was shocked that all of them somehow knew all the words to every song that was playing. she couldn't even hear the music over everyone yelling and mumbling at the same time. it gave her a migraine.

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