Can The World Be So Perfect?

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katya screamed trixie's name as she finished. her legs continued to shake and she couldn't relax her shoulders. after getting edged for so long, all katya could do was try to remember how to breathe. trixie was more than willing to take care of her after how intense their sex was.

katya flopped against their bed, eyes shut, and breath stolen. trixie smiled at the sight. her favorite person in this world so needy for praise and attention. katya wasn't one to thrive on that stuff either, which made these moments even more special.

trixie kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek.

"you did so well, baby. i'm so proud of you,"trixie beamed. katya couldn't even open her eyes she was so exhausted but a small smile crossed her face. trixie's heart swooned.

"you're so beautiful, katya,"trixie spoke softly, trying to ease katya back into reality. the way katya blushed seemed charming. after how dirty the words in her mouth were, she was blushing at a simple compliment. there wasn't hysterics or convincing in the room with them. two women and their easy truths.

katya wrapped her arms around trixie's waist trying to pull her closer than she already was. trixie laid on top of her, pressing their overheated skin against each other, and kissing her softly. the weight of trixie against katya made her feel safe. they had intense sex and it was hard to believe the world was the same afterwards. how trixie so delicately makes sure katya feels loved made the world seem real and vibrant.

"i love youuuu,"katya whispered as she puckered her lips, asking for a sweet kiss. trixie's heart ached for a moment. she could stay here forever. a picture wouldn't do this moment justice. she leaned forward and pressed her lips against katya's. she felt like she was diving into heaven itself.

when trixie pulled away, katya was smiling wide. trixie felt an overwhelming feeling of love. she thought she could cry. she traced katya collarbones, giggling as katya flinched. a tear rolled down her cheek. this was the most beautiful woman in the world and she was laying so peacefully in a bed, as if she had never known anyone else existed outside this room they shared.

katya slowly opened her eyes, smiling wider seeing her girlfriend above her. she knew in an instant that this was perfect. this was right. her life had fallen into place. all of the bullshit, and the fights, and bad relationships before this were over. it was done. because katya's angel was sitting in front of her, stroking her skin so softly and holding her steady. there would never have to be another breakup again. another heartache. another loss. another holiday alone.

katya had trixie and that just made sense.

"why are you crying, love?"katya stroked trixie's cheek, wiping her tears away. she didn't judge trixie or worry. she never felt like she needed to. trixie chuckled and pulled her hand closer to her to kiss her knuckles.

"i think you're the most wonderful person in this world. i want to love you forever, katya. and it's hard to imagine a life where i'm not in love with you. katya, you are my lifeline. i feel so lost sometimes but then i remember you're here. and you so kindly allow me to love you. and it's like i never even had anything to worry about in the first place. i think you make me a better person. and i always want to be better for you. for us. you're everything i hoped for, katya,"trixie cried. this love was all trixie had ever hoped love to be. there were times she didn't believe in love before she met katya. now she thinks how sad a life without love -without katya- would be.

"trixie, you're gonna make me cry,"katya chuckled as a tear fell from her blue eyes. trixie giggled to her and wiped her cheek before placing a small kiss over where the tear would've fallen.

"trixie, i've fallen in love with you in different ways everyday. the way i love you with never waiver. the only thing that hurts me now is the fact i can't call you my wife." katya searches for a signal in trixie's eyes.

"do you mean that?" trixie questioned. everything about katya seemed too good to be true. how could such a perfect woman fall into her arms like this?

"of course i do, trixie. i want the rest of my life to be spent with you. let's get married one day,"katya spoke like it was the simplest thing. and, to her, it was. marrying trixie had been on her mind for a while. there's nothing she wanted more than to see her beautiful bride walk down the aisle in the most extravagant white ball gown as they confessed their love to the world.

"let's get married then,"trixie held in a shriek. this was the first time they talked about marriage like this. trixie wanted to marry katya. and katya wanted to marry trixie. it felt like a cloud was just born. it was such a careful thing to touch and now they were both cradling the idea in their arms. this was real life. it was all they had ever wished life to be.

"i'll purpose for real though. i want to get you a ring and i want to get down on one knee and i want to give you a cheesy speech,"katya smiled. trixie leaned in for a kiss.

"i think you already did the speech part," she laughed. katya playfully pushed her away.

"ouch, my feelings." they laughed some more, holding each other and sharing polite kisses. confessing their fears about love previously and how they see it now. looking into each other eyes and creating a garden that no one else could pick from. this was so real and there was nothing that could stop this love.

A / N : if you're from america, please go out and vote. it's so important for the queer community and for people of color. speak as if your best friend is someone with no voice. vote.

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