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katya hated this.

trixie was the love of her life. katya had pictured that one day she would make her her wife. katya was never one for marriage but then trixie came along. it was great and then trixie left her about 3 years ago. no break up or talking or text. trixie just packed up her stuff in the middle of the night and she was gone. at the time, they wanted different things. katya wanted to travel the world with her amazing girlfriend and see everything she possibly could. trixie wanted to stay in a suburban town and have a dog and please her parents.

katya did travel the world. she went to europe and asia and got kicked out of africa. she had fun. she met women and they had fun together. never falling in love though. because after trixie, katya never wanted to be in love again. she was convinced they would just abandon her like trixie did. sometimes she thought she was still in love with trixie. in fact, it was quite clear to katya that she was still in love with trixie when she saw her standing in front of her at the grocery store.

katya hated it. how beautiful she was. the way she stood so elegantly. trixie didn't even notice her. katya was sure though. she knew it was trixie. the blonde hair and the pastel pink top. it had to be trixie. her trixie. the trixie she had loved for years before she left and the trixie she had loved for years after.

katya's mouth was dry and she stood, bean dip in hand, completely frozen. she stared, jaw dropped down to the floor.

then she looked up. trixie and her welcoming brown eyes looked up. for a moment, she didn't recognize katya. she almost smiled at her. but then she saw who she was staring at. she froze. time was slowed while they stared at each other. neither of them wanting to move in fear the other would dart away.

she was beautiful. trixie had always been the most beautiful woman in the world to katya. after she left, katya convinced herself she was crazy. she didn't even look like how she pictured her in her mind. she was blinded by love therefore of course trixie was the most stunning woman on earth. but katya's worst fear was confirmed that trixie was the most gorgeous goddess to ever grace the planet when they locked eyes in the chips section of a meijer in ohio.

katya swallowed her pride and took a step toward her which seemed to break this weird spell of awkward stares. trixie grabbed a bag of tostitos and put them in her cart and hurrying away. katya took another step forward and tried to stop her.

"trixie-"she spoke softly, but to her surprise trixie turned around to face her again. katya took another step and was now standing in front of her. the love of her life. the woman she was convinced she was going to marry. she was here again-finally. there were so many things to say and none of them felt right. each of them had so many questions but there was a barrier separating their thoughts from their mouths. maybe it was out of respect or confusion or to save themselves from an awkward moment.

"hi,"trixie whispered with pain behind her voice. that voice was music to katya's ears. she smiled softly hearing that voice. it brought back all those times she sang in the car. or when she would read katya's poems about her aloud before bed. or when she would tell katya that she loved her. that voice.

"hi,"katya said in response. all they could do was look into each other's eyes. katya was so pissed that trixie was here. she wanted trixie to be a figment of her imagination. a slip in her memory but no. of course trixie fucking mattel had to be at this exact state in this exact town in this exact meijer at this exact time. "you look good, trixie." the words flew out of her mouth and she couldn't do anything to stop them. that's all she could think about. it felt like the first time she ever saw her all over again. the blush on trixie's cheeks made katya realize that she had missed her for so long. trixie shifted awkwardly in her place.

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