///Chapter 2///

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Annabeth POv.

I stood in the airport, suitcase in hand, backpack slung over one shoulder. I looked at my dad who was smiling a bittersweet smile, and Bobby and Mathew who were holding his hands.

Helen stood a little behind smiling softly at me. I gave Bobby and Mathew one more small kiss on the forehead and a tight hug before turning to my father.

"My little girl is all grown up," He said smiling proudly at me. I gave him a strong smile before hugging him tightly. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before letting me go.

I waved lightly and he did the same. The smile we shared explained the million things we didn't have time to say.

"Flight 341 to New York Last call for boarding!" We shared one more smile before I turned around, gave the woman my passport and ticket, and walked through the tunnel leading me to the airplane.

I looked over one more time, and smiled looking at Helen, Bobby, Mathew, and my dad before turning around, taking a deep breath, and entered the plane, the plane that would change my life.

Percy POV
It was the first day of school. And my sleep schedule was as messed up as Nico dating a girl. I of course got to School really late. You know the usual;

Getting yelled out by my teachers

Getting yelled out by the principal

Getting yelled out by the mayor

Getting yelled out by the president

Well only the first one was true, but you get the idea. I walk into school, and literally every girl jumps on me. Let's just say I was so confused. I pried them off me, and looked around. In the corner sat my best friends; Rider, Flynn, Ava, and Emma.

Ava and Emma are twins and they are complete opposites.

Ava or as she likes to be called V is a tomboy. Me, Ava and Rider always go to the skatepark together after school on Tuesdays, and Thursdays. She has a green streak in her hair, which is a black pixie cut.. She never leaves home without a cap. With her headphones around her neck, her mouth always working furiously on a piece of green bubblegum (don't even ask me how she found that) and a scary glare on her face, she looked like that bad kid you don't want to mess with. And that description fits her perfectly.

Emma on the other hand is what you would call a nerd. She always spends her time studying. She loves art and is amazing at it. She could compete against Rachel. (I should really introduce those two!) She had glasses with light bronze frames. She has straight black hair as well

Except hers was moree grown out, and reached a little below her shoulders.

Rider has messy blonde hair, that looks exactly like mine except of course blonde. He had a lean swimmer bodys like mine and was on the swim team with me. I was the captain, but he was next in line. With his striking green eyes he was one of the school's heartthrobs. He was dating Ava though.

Flynn, was more of the gentler type, and was really sweet. He had white hair, which was usually unusual, but for some reason fitted him. He had a light complexion and had bright green eyes that pulled you in. He and Emma were made for each other.

I watched as they called me over. I jogged forward. We exchanged hugs and greetings. Then Flynn shared some amazing news.

"Me and Emma are dating!" He said smiling. He had a grin on his face as he held her hand.

She smacked him lightly, "Emma and I," she said, correcting him teasingly. He just smiled. "Whatever you say princess." She smiled.

Their moment was ruined by V gagging loudly. She stuck a finger down her throat. Flynn glared but Emma just laughed. Soon Flynn joined and all of us were laughing like crazy. Soon our laughter died down. I checked my watch

"SCHIST WE ARE LATE!" I yelled. We looked around and sure enough there was no one in the halls.

I was about to run off when Rider questioned "Schist?"

"Inside joke" I said smiling remembering Hazel and Frank.

"From when you went to Greece for family emergencies?" Flynn said.

"WhAt?" I stopped and turned around. I then remembered my excuse for missing a whole year

of school. "Umm... yeah!" I said .

They all looked at me suspiciously.

"Ok guys let's focus on what matters.. WE ARE LATE!" They seemed to remember that and we all split into separate ways to get into class.

This was going to be a long day...

YAAY!! I FINISHED WRITING THIS CHAPPIE!! This took forever. I hope this was long enough! I will try to update later. That is all my little Penguins! Now go read and write other pjo fanfics that are like 100% better then mine! xD :D :P

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