Ch 1: Return to Hogwarts

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Sirius looked into a cart on the train. Karri sat alone, with a sorrowful look on her face. Sirius's heart felt pain and guilt. He wanted to make her feel better. Sirius looked around before going in. 

"What?" Karri asked him.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "You have this look on your face."

"It's nothing, Sirius." She says, "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"


"Nothing's wrong, okay?" 

"Just tell me." Sirius says as he sits next to her.

"Remember when I got sorted into Gryffindor in our first year?"

Sirius nodded. "Of course."

It was the best day in his life. He needed her to be in the same house as him. He watched her as she pulled out a parchment and handed it to him. Sirius's fingers brushed against hers, making the spark inside him fill him up with warm. He noticed that Karri pulled away quickly.

Sirius read the parchment in his hands. His heart burned at the words on the letter. No wonder she acted strange during the first year. But why didn't she tell him?


Gryffindor?! Gryffindor?! The stupid sorting hat made a mistake. That's not your house. That's not you. You don't have those Gryffindor traits. You should have been sorted into Slytherin, like the REST OF YOUR FAMILY!


"Why didn't you tell me about this first year?" Sirius asked.

"Ashamed, I guess." She whispers.

Sirius sighed. "We're friends, right?"

Karri nodded, wondering where he's going with this.

"Which means you can tell me anything."

"But isn't that for best friends?"

"Then, let's be best friends." Sirius says, "We need each other. We need the light in our dark homes. So let's be each other's light."

"I don't know, Sirius-"

"Please. You need a light in your dark home. Let me be that light."

"What if you run?" Karri asked, asking the doubts filling her mind.

"I won't run." Sirius says. "I'll stay with you. To keep that spark within us growing."



The cart door opened, showing James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

"Ah, Sirius, there you are." James says smiling.

"Hi Karri." Remus says, smiling.


Sirius looked at Remus and Karri. Both smiling as if they're having an unspoken conversation. Sirius glared at Remus as he sat across from Karri, James next to Remus, and Peter next to James. Peter closed the door before sitting down.

The train ride to Hogwarts was something Karri never pictured. However, James, Peter and Remus became Karri's new friends. Sirius didn't like the way, Remus looked at Karri. Nor their unspoken covenertion they had.

"What's that in your hand?" James asked Sirius noticing the parchment in Sirius's hand.

Karri's eyes went wide as she saw her father's letter still in his hand. Sirius and Karri exchanged looks. Sirius crumbled the letter and stood up. He went to the window and threw the paper out.

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