Chapter 10 - The Nut Sorting Room

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We carried on down another corridor, me and Charlie were right at the front with Mr Wonka.

Suddenly Charlie piped up 'Mr Wonka? Why did you decide to let people in? " he asked.

" So they could see the factory of course" he kept walking at a steady pace.

"But why now? And why only 5?" Charlie was interrupted by Mike teevee, who asked what the special prize was.

"The best kind of prize is a surprise" Wonka laughed sweetly as he intertwined our hands and smiled at me. I returned it. He made my heart warm.

After a few words on Wonka opinions on Gum, we reached a new room. The Nut Sorting room.

"Ah Mr Wonka. This is a room I know all about. You see I myself am in the nut business. Do you use the Havermax 4000 to do your sorting?" Mr Salt asked in a rather know-it-all tone of voice.

"No" Willy laughed. "You're really weird". God this man was loopy, yet so, so attractive.

Wonka opened the door and we all piled in.

"Squirrels" I said, leaning into him slightly as we came to a halt.

"Yeah. Squirrels. These squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of shells" he told the group.

"But why Squirrels? Why not use Oompa Loompas?" he was questioned.

"Because only squirrels can get the whole walnut out almost every time. See how they tap them with their knuckles to make sure it's not bad? Oh look, look. That one has a bad nut" I followed his finger to a squirrel. It bonked the nut a Few times before throwing into what could only be a garbage chute.

"Daddy I want a squirrel" Veruca, again. A very spoilt little girl she was. Me and Wonka exchanged a few eye rolls.

She then want to explain how her plethora of pets was not enough and that she absolutely needed a trained squirrel.

"Wonka! How much for a squirrel? Name your price" Mr Salt gave in, Rather easily in my opinion.

"Oh they're not for sale." Willy's grip on my hand tightened slightly. After a Few minutes of the 2 men going back and forth I noticed Veruca had made her way into the nut sorter and towards the poor squirrels.

"Little girl! Don't touch that squirrels nuts, he'll go crazy" Wonka tried to warn her.

Her dad called after her but it was too late. In her attempt to steal a squirrel they'd marked her up as a bad nut, and were now collectively trying to take her to the garbage chute.

Willy let go of my hand hestitantly and began going through each key to fine the right one.

"nope not that one" he would say occasionally.

He couldn't find it, until they had almost reached the chute. And then, she fell in.

"Where does it go?" the group asked.

"To the incinerator" Willy said as he finally opened the gate and took his place beside me again. I intertwined our hands once more.

"Don't worry we only light it on Tuesdays" I couldn't help but giggle a bit, this seemed to amuse Wonka.

"It is Tuesday" Mike informed us.

"well there is the off chance that they decided not to light it today" he offered a very minor solution.

"If she's stuck at the top of the chute, all you have to do is reach in and pull her out" he pushed the gate open for Mr Salt who followed his advice.

Once again, The Oompa Loompas returned with another song. They sang as Mr Salt made his way to the incinerator.

Wonka took me by the waist and we danced with Charlie while the other 2 looked in horror.

By the time the song was over, Mr Salt was gone as well. An Oompa Loompa came up to us and Willy bent down.

"Oh. I've just been informed that the incinerator is broken. So they have about 3 weeks of rotten garbage to break their fall ha ha" Willy said smiling.

"That's good news" I said with a smile.

"Yeah. Let's keep trucking" he said, pulling me along as I grabbed Charlie's hand....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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