Chapter 8 - The Boat Ride

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"onward!" he shouted to the oompa loompas at the front of the boat. His hand remained resting on my leg. He glanced at me, and I put my hand over his as the boat began to move.

"Here try some of this. It'll do you good. You look starved to death" he gave me a ladle of chocolate he'd scooped from the river.

"I am!" I joked, though he looked quite concerned.

"It's absolutely divine!" I passed the ladle onto charlie to try some as Wonka Chuckled.

"You're all quite short, aren't you?" Mr wonka said to the children.

" Well, yeah. We're children" Mike responded in a matter of fact voice. Rude little boy. No respect.

" Well, that's no excuse. I was never as short as you" Willy stated confidently, shifting slightly closer to me as I leant into him slightly. He was warm, it made me all giddy.

" You were once" Mike Retaliated.

" Was not. Know why? I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short little arms. You could never reach" as sarcastic as he was being, he had a fair point.

" Do you remember what it was like to be a kid, Mr Wonka?" I asked as I played with his fingers, still rested on my knee.

" Oh boy, do I... Do I?" he seemed to wander into thought again. A vacant look on his face.

I noticed a tunnel ahead and tried to snap him out of it before something terrible happened.

" Mr wonka? Mr Wonka! There's a tunnel!" I tried to nudge him but he wouldn't break it. So instead, I kissed his Cheek and immediately he stared at me. He released a light chuckle and kissed my cheek in return. It was quite romantic. Would've been more so if it was just the two of us though.

We twisted and turned aggressively through seemingly endless tunnels. I held onto Charlie with 1 arm and hid my fake in Wonkas coat. I didn't realise what I'd done until Willy wrapping his arm around my waist and whispered to that I could open my eyes again. His hand remained on my waist though, even as we drifted calmly past the rooms now.

" we're passing some very important rooms" he said as we all looked around. There were vault-like doors, each contained some wonderful treat.

" What do you use hair cream for?" Mrs Beauregarde asked flirtaciously.

"To lock in moisture" he smiled and puffed his hair up with his spare hand.

"Whipped cream" Charlie observed as we both laughed. It was a literal cow being whipped by some tiny oompa loompas.

" precisely" Said Wonka, bringing me closer to him by the hold on my waist. There was no room for air in the small space between us at this point.

" That doesn't make sense" Veruca commented.

"For your information little girl, Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips. Everybody knows that." he replied in quite a sinister tone. Yet still, he looked so sweet with a smile on his face. Was I falling for him?

"Stop the boat!" we came to a halt and he removed his hand reluctantly from my waist. It felt a lil empty now.

" I wanna show you guys something" he said helping us all off of the boat.

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