Chapter 2 - Golden Tickets

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I was off to work, stacking Wonkas chocolate bars. It wasn't a bad job, but I'd prefer to be hanging around with the actual Willy Wonka instead of just stacking confectionery in a small business.

Swarms of people gathered at each lamp post down the street. It intrigued me, not enough for me to fight for a view of what they were doing, so I continued to the small shop, I'd find out from my boss.

The bell rang as I open the door. He explained to me that Willy Wonka had sent out 5 golden tickets and that the children who found them would have the honour of meeting him and having a tour around his factory. I was awestruck. Imagine!

" They'll be gone quickly though. I can guarantee it will be some right porkers that find them, or some posh brat" I sighed in agreement, taking my place once more at the shelf and beginning to stack the Wonka bars.

" Most likely. Who knows, maybe I could get my hands on one" I stated, hopefully. It wasn't completely impossible.


As I left for the evening, I stopped to look at one of Mr Wonka's Posters.

I, Willy Wonka, hav decided to allow 5 children to visit my factory this year. In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever Imagine.

Children. I would never be allowed alone I'd have to bring Charlie with me. I'm sure he'd be fine, he managed to finish his little toothpaste cap factory model the other night and it was perfect.

I opened the door and greeted everyone.

" Did you hear about the tickets?" I asked, hanging my coat over the back of a chair and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, beside Grandma Georgina.

" Of course. Imagine how magical it would be to open a bar and discover a golden ticket inside!" Grandpa Joes eyes shone with wonder as he spoke. He must've loved working there. I wonder what Mr Wonka is like in person though?

" I know, but I only get one bar a year- for my birthday" Charlie stated, the smile not leaving his face. He was such a happy boy. It was very heart-warming.

"Well. Its your birthday next week Charlie" my aunt looked up from her mopping.

" You have as much chance as anybody does" the other grandmother commented in an attempt to comfort Charlie.

" Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day. Our Charlie only gets 1 a year!" Grandpa George offered his rather pessimistic point of view. Charlie looked disappointed.

" Everyone has a chance, Charlie" I rubbed his shoulder in a comforting way, smiling at him.

" Mark my words. The kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat" Grandpa George declared. To be Frank I couldn't argue with that as he was probably right.

I still had some sliver of hope though. To meet my idol would be a dream come true. And with the tickets being anywhere in the world, it wasn't completely unlikely.

I took Charlie to bed after hugging and wishing sweet dreams to the other members of the household.

I tooked him in and patted him on the head.

" Remember Charlie, Anythings possible. And what's meant to be, will be".

Sugar [Willy Wonka Fanfic] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora