Chapter 7 - The Chocolate Room

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He opened the door to reveal one of the greatest things I've ever seen. A whole room made of candy it was. It was marvellous!

"Now do be careful,y dear children. Don't lose your heads. Don't get too excited. Just keep very calm". Honestly I struggled to stay calm, and I wasn't even a child.

"It's beautiful." I said under my breath.

"Oh yeah, it's very beautiful" he looked me straight in the eyes. " like you, mr dear." with that he took more steps forward leaving me a blushing mess.

" Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. The waterfall is most important. Mixes up the chocolate. Churns it up. Makes it light and frothy. And by the way, no other factory in the world mixes it chocolate by water fall, my dear children. And you can take that to the bank" he directed us over a small chocolate cliff.

He explained about all the pipes, and the waterfall and how this room was completely edible before sending everyone off to investigate.
I sat on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the river.

" What are you thinking?" A voice said from behind me. Willy Wonka.

" it's perfectly splendid" I stood and smiled at the man. His eyes drifted to my lips and back up, returning the smile.

" I don't believe you introduced yourself?" he asked as he took my hand. He planted a small kiss on the back of my hand which made me blush.

"Hazel, my Names Hazel" I said smiling, as I bowed slightly.

"Lovely." he winked at me. We wandered over to the rest of group as Verruca was now screaming about some 'little person'.

"They're Oompa Loompas!" informed Mr Wonka.

" Imported straight from Loompaland" He seemed very sure of himself even though I'd never heard of such a place.

He told us about these lands. Jungles infested with 'snozzwangers' and 'hornswogglers', it did appear to be quite an adventure.

He explained that all they really wanted was cocoa beans. Chocolate happened to be made from them, so himself and the Oompa Loompas had made a deal.

" Augustus, my child! That is not a good thing you do!" panic came from Mrs Gloop as her son toppled over into the river. Willy seemed more annoyed about his contaminated chocolate than the loss of the chubby child.

"he'll drown. He can't swim!" the pipe came and sucked him up. We all watched as he got stuck in the tube, blocking everything. The oompa loompas began to get closer and closer.

Suddenly they broke into song.
Their performance was quite remarkable, although disturbing nonetheless. How had they been able to improvise such a detailed song?

I clapped when the song was over, as well as Mr Wonka. He offered me a smile for it. The rest of the group looked utterly shocked.

Willy Wonka sent Mrs Gloop to the fudge room with an Oompa loompa to find Augustus after quite sarcastically explaining that he wouldn't dare allow such disgusting fudge as that made from Augustus to be sold under his name. I found it quite funny, he reminded me of myself. I quite liked him....

"Now, on with the tour" he instructed as we all began to follow him.

"Hazel, were the Oompa Loompas really joking?" Charlie asked.

"Of course they're joking. The boy will be fine" I tried to reassure him, though I wasn't totally convinced myself.

Willy Wonka began to laugh rather manically.
" What's so funny?" I heard.
" I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans" his teeth were once again revealed. He had the smile of an angel and I couldn't help but stare.

"Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love" he was very enthusiastic.

" You don't say" Mrs Beauregardes horrible attempt at flirting made me want to scream. Willy was blatantly uncomfortable as well as he changed the subject immediately.

" All aboard! Haha" the nervous laughter was the only confirmation I needed that he was indeed uncomfortable. We all did so though, me and Charlie sat at the very back of the boat. Willy took a seat next to me. Very close to me. And rested his hand on my knee as the boat moved forward.

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