Chapter 4 - The Last Golden Ticket

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4 tickets had been found now, there was only one left in the whole world. I walked to work with no hope of getting one honestly.

They said a Russian kid had found one. But they'd discovered that it was a fake and people were very annoyed about it.

The streets were covered in snow. The winter had come now and it was extremely cold. My fingerless gloves really did nothing against the frostbite.

I carried on along the street, passing so many people on their way home or to work.

Something caught my eye. A dollar bill was stuck in the snow, flapping in the wind. Luckily it didn't fly away as I ran over to pick it up.

I stared at it. Maybe this was my chance.. I thought. I continued my walk to my work with a slightly higher level of happiness now.

Once I entered I contemplated for a little bit before deciding, against my better judgement, it would be so cool to get a ticket and this was my last chance.

I offered him the money, asking for a fudgemellow delight, which he handed me moments after. I opened the paper pulling it back slowly and....


"that's a golden ticket... You've found the last ticket! In my shop as well!" My boss seemed delighted. Automatically I was swarmed with people, offering me £50, £500 for the ticket. I refused and left, running home to tell Charlie to news.

I knew he would be so excited.

" Charlie! Charlie! I got it! I got the last ticket! " I burst through the door waving it. I held it in front of Charlie and his face lit up immediately. Joe got out of bed surprisingly and read it before shouting with delight and dancing around as we all watched in shock. I thought he was crippled, no offence to him.

" Well then boy! Go, brush your teeth, wash your face, clean your hands and get that mud off your trousers!" Grandpa Joe and George chorused as we all smiled.

" First we need to decide who's going with Charlie?" My aunt asked.

"well, Hazel found the ticket, it's only fair..." Mr Bucket answered as I nodded excessively.


We sat down first to read the ticket :

Greetings to you, the finder of this golden ticket from Mr Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for 1 whole day.
I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself, showing you everything there is to see.
Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a large procession of trucks, each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat.
And remember, 1 of you lucky 5 children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination.
Now here are your instructions.
On the first of February you must come to the factory gates at 10 a.m. Sharp. You're allowed to bring 1 member of your family to look after you.
Untin then, Willy Wonka.

It was so amazing! I'd be going to meet Willy Wonka. THS Willy Wonka...Ahdjrejsjejejdnrj!!!!!

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