Overwhelming Happiness

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Alfred has been awake for three days straight. (Gay) starting at the Tv waiting for the next states that will end this whole bullshit.

He was covered with his husband's blanket and had the strongest coffee he can find in his cup. The effects of mushrooms he took were starting to take over.

He felt himself grow numb from these past few hectic months with the threats and protests all around the states and worrying for his other fellow nations that are going through so much crap lately with corrupt governments, protest, police brutality, unequal laws, and regulations.

He felt overwhelmed by the hate filling his people.

Over the past four years, he has felt divided. His people fighting each other. Republicans and Democrats arguing for this and that.

Fake news and his "boss" proclaiming he has won and that the election was rigged by the democrats.

The world seems to go into more chaos as the year ends. He didn't even remember when he finally closed his eyes that night.

He opened his eyes as his alarm clock screamed at his ear and jumped when he saw the numbers blaring. 9:32 am. "Holy shit! I'm late!"

Grabbing an extra black shirt he had on closet and jeans he ran down to the meeting building once and a while apologizing to those he pushed.

Seeing the front doors of the meeting he fixed his shirt, pants, and bomber jacket.

He walked in, surprising some with no blaring in antic or proclaiming that "The hero is here."

Alfred made his way to his seat making a signal to continue. Germany nodded and continued with the topics of today.

Not catching the attention of two. Alfred out of nowhere felt happy.

Overwhelmingly happy. His people were celebrating but why? He felt his phone ping at a notification and looked at it. Gasping what it read.

His husband stared at him worried, he knew about the election that was currently happening in the United States but he didn't expect the American to be so worn out by them.

Ivan suddenly felt a strong aura of happiness. He noticed the other countries turn to the American who had his phone in his left hand and one covering his mouth with wide eyes.

Alfred started laughing but Russia felt a tug on his heart when he saw his husband now bawling with a huge smile.

"Dorogoy? Are you alright?" Alfred nodded, standing up and happily jumping confusing the other nations in the room even further. "What is the meaning of this you git?"

Alfred stopped jumping and stared at his father's emerald eyes. "Joe Biden won the election! He won! The orange bastard is fired!"

Matthew spit out his Maple syrup and looked at Alfred in surprise but you can feel the happiness radiating off him too.

"Are you serious?! Congratulations Alfred!" Matthew went over to his younger brother and hugged him. Ivan smiled at their conversation and also congratulated his husband.

The other nations followed the other two congratulating the young American. Germany decided to end the meeting early and let the nation go.

Since he was in New York for the meeting he, Matthew, Carlos, and Ivan decided to travel to the city's square where it was full of his people dancing and celebrating the whole day. 

Ten of thousands of people flooded the streets. They were people dancing and celebrating. They spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon there waving his gay pride flag and American flag until Alfred received a call that he was needed at Wilmington, Deleware for Biden's speech.

He turned to his brothers and husband. "Would you guys like to join me in Deleware? I have to meet the new president of the U.S."

The three nodded and made their way to Alfred's car. "Alright, folks this ride will be three hours long." Matthew laughed at his accent and Carlos groaned in annoyance.


They finally made it and Alfred left them off by the special guest area and went to greet the new president and bosses.

Kamala was really nice and very surprised to meet the personification of The United States while Biden and Alfred chatted about life since they have met when Obama was president.

After their speeches and cheers of the American people, he made his way to Ivan who was staring at the light show amazed how the lights moved.

His happiness grew more as he felt his people celebrate all over the states. He felt free. Like he could finally breathe.

Hi, sorry if it too long to post this but as soon as I saw Biden was elected as president. I had to celebrate and take a break. I originally wanted to post this yesterday last night but forgot to. I was happy he won but I don't support him. I couldn't vote this year since I'm a minor but at least he's better than Trump.

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