His right eye

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Coughs kept interrupting the meeting. Alfred was in Arthur's nerve when he kept coughing during his speech. Alfred felt like he couldn't breathe. The feeling was to bring back the fire of 1814. Alfred felt movement and noticed he was twitching. His vision worsens and fades to the void. A thud was heard. Everyone looked up and saw the American has fallen asleep or that's what some thought.

~Alfred's dream/nightmare~

Alfred opened his eyes and felt strong, warm winds behind him. He was at a plain meadow, a beautiful site but once he turned his blood ran cold. A forest was burning. Beautiful but destructive flames dancing in the forest. Burning everything on the dancer's paths. Something was wrong in his country. He recognized the forest, memories of him and his tribe friends running all day and playing without a care in the world. Everything ends so quickly in a blink of an eye. Alfred...! He heard a voice a shout to be exact. He looked around to see if anyone was there but couldn't distinguish anything from the flames. Help...u Alfred took a deep breath and ran in. He ran avoiding the touches of the bright dancers dancing around the forest. US...! The voices rang louder as individuals screamed together in a messed up harmony. He stopped at a tree who wasn't dancing with the flames. Leaning on it as he tried to catch his breath. Once stable he looked around and notice the fire spreading to him and a crack behind him. The voices cried out once again forcing Alfred to cover his ears. Once he thought everything was safe he looked up. A tree was falling to him. Widen eyes to close eyes he curled up and waited for the pain. Pain filled his right side of the head and nothing.


Alfred jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Opening one eye he noticed three heads looking at him in worry. Squinting he saw Italy, Japan, and Germany. The axis boyfriends. "wh...here am I? Why am I here? Wasn't there a meeting?" His voice was raspy. Kiku offered him water. He nodded and opened his mouth. Feeling the cold water hit his troat brought good vibes. He thanked Kiku and started looking around for Texas with one eye still closed. The boyfriends were confused looking at the American. Ludwig passed him his glasses. Feliciano gasped as he started into Alfred's eyes. He tugged his boyfriend's selves and pointed at him. Ludwig grabbed Alfred's face pulling it closer to them. "Alfred-san, what happened to your right eye!?" Alfred curled up into his arms and legs hiding his face from them. "A plume of smoke from wildfires in California has descended on the San Francisco area, causing the sky over the region to turn orange. I passed out from the lack of oxygen caused by the fires and there's smoke on my lungs resulting in coughing. My right eye color change was caused by me being there spiritually but unfortunately affected me physically for some reason." After an hour of explaining his dream or nightmare and hugs from North Italy, they finally understood. Germany let him go to heal from the past events allowing him to their hotel room to chill. They grew closer.

At the next meeting, his eye hasn't healed mostly from the trauma from being there but they were always there for him.

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