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Alfred p.o.v

The meeting was a complete mess. Insults went flying to me like bullets on a machine gun straight to my chest and head. I have been dealing with this since The Great Depression.

They just don't know when to stop and lately, my anxiety has been breaking me, it kills me. I'm living in a world so fake, I have lost touch with the old happy me. I can't take it anymore, I can't smile like I'm okay, I just can't fake it anymore but what if I disappear or fade out.

Nobody would miss me. Nodding with his dark part of his head he smiled.

Blinded by his pain he couldn't see the three sufferings in silence too.

Walking up the stairs, counting on how many times I have almost broken down on his way. I made it. Opening the door and taking off my shoe I turned and off of the rooftop where I can see. A man with long blond hair there before me. Despite myself I go and scream;

"Hey, don't do it, please."

Slamming my hand to my mouth, I stood shocked by my words that just came out naturally out. Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way.

To be honest I was somewhat pissed. This was an opportunity missed. The man with long hair turned to me surprising me more, it was my father, Francis/France. Francis told me his woes.

"You've probably heard it all before; I thought that he may be the one but then he told me he was done"

I stared at him, dumbfounded by his father's woes. "For God's sake, please! Are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me! Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted? You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!"

Surprising Francis this time, he smiled pulling away from the rail, walking to his son, and hugged him. "I'm feeling better thank you for listening!"

The man with long blond hair then disappeared leaving a rose. As Francis walked away he did feel better than before he felt free but the worry was pulling him down. Questions filled his head. Why was Alfred on the roof? What did he mean by "you got here before me"? Was he okay?


Today is another day, maybe today will be the last. Opening the door to the roof, my shoes already are taken off. I looked around and nothing.

Forgetting to look on my right. A boy was holding a maple bottle. Mattie? What is he doing here? Despite myself, I go and scream

"Hey, don't do it please..."

Matthew turned to him, and shock filled him. He thought Alfred couldn't see him. I thought Papa was lying. Alfred was somewhat pissed - more than yesterday. This was an opportunity missed once again.

Matthew looked down fidgeting and told Alfred his woes.

"You've probably never noticed at all before; everyone ignores me, everyone steals. I don't fit in with anyone here." The answer that Alfred gave was similar to the one he gave to Francis.

"For God's sake, please! Are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me. Cause, even so, you're still loved by everyone at home! There's always dinner waiting on the table, you know?

It hurt Alfred seeing his younger brother hurting from their actions and gave him a small hug and before Matthew left. "I'm hungry," said the boy as he shed a tear.

Alfred turned to the entrance watching the boy then disappeared leaving behind the small bottle. Silence filled him but a small real laugh came. Free maple, eh...

And like that, there was someone every day. I listened to their tale, I made them turn away, and yet no one would do this for me, no way I could. Let out all this pain.

Sighing for probably the 3rd time I opened the door to the roof. Removed my shoes and turned to the rail. For the very first time, there I see someone with the same pain as me.

Having done this time and time again. He was holding a small white handkerchief.

He turned to me crying, "I just wanna stop the scars that grow, every time that I go home. That's why I came up here instead"

That's what the boy with the white handkerchief said.

Alfred took a step to the boy as he watched him almost jump.

Agh- what to do!? I can't stop this boy, oh this is new! "For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew but even so, please just go away so I can see. Your pitiful expression is just too much for me!"

Alfred crumbled to the floor sobbing not noticing the Italian approaching him with pity but worry filled him too. Watching the American cry.

Sighing he gave Alfred his handkerchief as a thank you.

Walking down the stairs, he noticed Canada and France near the stairs talking about the last past days.

Once Feliciano made it down he caught their attention. After confronting him, they found it strange that the American has said the same thing to them while at the roof.

Worry filled them once again and the trio decides to ask the American about it.

Without any of them noticing, a Russian over the corner heard them. Thoughts about the American filled him.

"I guess today is just not my day" Feliciano looked away from me and then he disappeared giving me his handkerchief.

I looked down at Italy's famous handkerchief flag and let the tears stream.

I don't remember what happened next I just allowed darkness to fill my vision.

Blinking my eyes I notice I was still on the roof. I looked around and it was silent.
You could hear the morning birds singing and cars.

Staring down at the belonging he had on his hands from his atmosphere friend, twin brother, and father. I hugged the items close to my chest and left them on the last step of the stairs.

Turning back to the rails, there's no one here today, I guess it's time. It's just me, myself, and I.

No one can interfere. No one to get in my way here. I walk to the rail. Taking off my bomber jacket. Watching all my mistakes be seen. One last glance at the items left behind.

This, as can be, is gonna jump now and finally be free.




Before I jumped to the ground waiting for the sweet embrace of death, I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back. I fell onto the concrete and stared at who had saved me.

Sparkling purple eyes and blondish silver hair. Vanya? Behind him stood Matthew, Francis, and Feliciano. They all looked at me with desperation and sorrow. They all spoke. Bringing tears to my eyes that they cared.

"Hey, don't do it please"

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