Bye-Bye Allen

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Alfred opened his eyes and noticed he was tied to a chair. All around him was dark but it felt like a light was shining at him by above making him the only one seen. He looked straight ahead and noticed a figure smiling insanely at him, circling him when a glint of fear appeared in Alfred's eyes. Squinting his eyes he recognized Allen a.k.a his second player but he was more than his opposite. Allen controlled his paranoia and anxiety using against him for his own twisted entertainment. "Remember when you were just a little kid, Alfred? I came to you when England left you alone. Knocking on your door and you opened it - ever since that day it's been me and you...just us." Alfred faced away making Allen mad. "I made you and who you are today! Don't you get that Alfred! Look at me when I'm talking! You are nothing without ME!" Alfred turned to him glaring back as he finished but regretted when Allen punched them making it dark once again.


Alfred reopened their eyes panting from their nightmare. His eye started hurting from the punch he received from Allen. Sighing he stood up to the bathroom starting his agenda of preparing for the meeting today and coffee for the morning; After he completed small tasks around the house he wondered to the forest behind his house. Walking further in the forest he started zoning out of reality. A leaf rustling awoke him from his head and looked around. He gripped his butterfly knife waiting for another movement and " throw... - The movement stopped. Alfred made his way to whatever was making the rustling and noticed Allen holding his knife. He backed away when Allen looked at him the same way as his nightmare.

"What, are you scared of me? That's embarrassing' If it wasn't for me, your history would have been different. I've been here for you, but how come you're never there for me? It's a little bit twisted, but I miss it when you and I had scary dreams."

"I don't really wanna talk about it, Allen" Allen snorted, "Well, that's too bad now, Alfie, shut up! Now, where were we? Remember way back in the day when you and I had it all mapped out in the basement. Cryin' in your room like a baby "I wish mom was here" We all do—so we wouldn't have to hear about it. I don't wanna make you nervous but it ain't like it used to be, Alfred.

We got a lotta people, the world, watchin'. You told me that you don't want me in your life, That's pretty hard to digest and I told you I'd leave when we die, and we ain't died yet. Immortality. You don't like the prison I built you? Yeah, you wanna know what the funny thing is? You keep on talkin' to me like a stranger, but we've been together since you were a kid, took us from a no-name, and told you everything was okay. Now you tryna cut me out of it like I ain't never been a part of it!" Allen sneered making a slash at Alfred's arm. Alfred winced in pain but ignored his 2p's antics continuing walking. Allen's plan is about making him recoil from him and let him take over. I am the heart of it, I made this whole thing."

"Yeah, I put us on the dope stage of a superpower", Alfred pointed out. Allen rolled his eyes. "You must have no brain then. What's the point of having guns if you can't aim? What's the point of having blood with no veins? What's the point of having love with no pain? What I'm sayin' is me without you doesn't make any sense. I know I'm intense in controlling, but you need to learn how to cope with it. That's just the way that it is If you didn't want me to live in your house, you shouldn't have let me move in." "Then how the fuck would I know this would happen, Allen!" "Shush, It's comfortable here and I like it, I got my own room and everything. It doesn't get better than this! You say you wanna own your life, then wake up and take your own advice." "You just mad 'cause you know I'm right." "Yeah, I'm flattered you put me in Mansion, but you should've told 'em right. 'Bout your hands on the coldest nights. You didn't tell 'em 'bout the times you and I used to hold the pen I mean, what are you, outta your mind? 'Cause both of us will be, come on, let's go outside!

"Is this what you wanted? Both of us out in the open? Let's do it then I mean, why are you doin' this? I know that you're mad, but I'm not in the mood for this again, Allen."So why are you actin' like I'm not a part of it?" Alfred stopped walking and pondered for a bit ignoring the fuming American. "Where is my shovel?" Allen heard him clearly but got pretty confused. Finally, burying his enemies?

"Prolly all back, where it always is. Remember dear Alfie, you can't get rid of all of me
I'm the reason why-" "Nah, shut up, I don't wanna hear another sentence." Allen laughed as Alfred snapped at him. "Hey, I'm Alfie, "Is it me or the paranoia talkin'?" Ha! What a dumb question! Yeah, it's writings and masks 'til the day we die, right? Yeah, ain't that the slogan, Alfred?" Alfred turned to him again yanking the butterfly knife away from Allen.

Giving him a warning. "Thought I told you to keep your mouth shut, Allen."
"I mean, so what? You know I never listen." Alfred went to his storage unit he had near the forest and pulled out a shove and walked back home. His aura changing to anger and frustration but went unnoticed but his 2p.

"Let me guess. We gon' dig a hole, kill the opponent, and probably put a verse in it. Write about it for like three minutes." Glancing to the hole Alfred kept stabbing the shovel. "Ayy, that's pretty deep, isn't it? Wait a minute, you don't really think for a second that you're puttin' me in this? Alfred's eyes twitched in frustration and looked at Allen with a fake reassuring smile. " No, of course not, just a Lil' deeper. Then we'll go inside and we can stop digging." Allen nodded believing his lie and looked down to see how deep it was. "Woo! You had me scared for a second, I thought we were diggin' my grave-" Allen felt pain behind his head and fell into the hole unable to climb up with his broken leg that he landed on when falling. He looked up at Alfred with fear as he started throwing the dirt into the hole.

"We did, what, you don't like bein' afraid? It's a dose of your own medicine. What, you don't like how it tastes? My therapist told me don't bury my issues but I'ma be honest, man, I'm feelin' great! I think it's only right we go back to where you were created. I wrote a verse for Davie without you, but he ain't gon' like it, let's see how he takes it. He probably won't even remember us, will he? I wish I was buryin' anger, but both of us know I'ma need him for that "song".

He still lives in the basement. Almost done, shoulda done this a year ago. I don't know why I waited. You know how I get, I put everything off of my personal life, do you hear what I'm sayin'?
You'll spend the rest of your life in my backyard or back of my mind, depends on how you see it.
Put the shovel away, time to go back in the house now, bet you'll be out in a week with Oliver's help. Tellin' me you want your room back, that's funny; What, you ain't got nowhere to sleep?
I' ma just look out the window and laugh at you, this is crazy to me cause I thought you had me in prison this whole time, but I'm the one holdin' the keys... Bye-Bye Allen." Letting a single tear slide down and the final piles of dirt to cover him. He turned away to the path of home.

Nearing, he threw to shovel across the lake near his house and walked to the building where the meeting was being headed. It took him an hour to make it and was already thirty minutes late. Behind the meeting doors, he heard complaints of his lateness and sighed frustrated forgetting on changing his attire. Opening the doors eyes wondered to him - confusion washing over them as they saw his appearance. Alfred had spots of dirt and blood on his shirt. Looking at his face, eyes were dull and tired but filled with satisfaction. His black eye barely healing. France spoke, his motherly instinct popping out, looking at the American worriedly. "Where were you America? What happened to you?" Alfred walked to his chair and spoke after a few minutes of awkwardness. Starting right to his father's eyes, he spoke. "Burying anxiety."

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