8 - Talking To Stone

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Leviathan's POV

The turn around had been successful and despite my mother's sabotage, we'd officially made it. Every detail had been fixed in our meticulous planning, and I couldn't help but feel pride at our accomplishment. 

The night of the first Ball, I was a nervous wreck, fussing haplessly with myself in an attempt to keep busy. The idea that my mate could be under the same roof as me had me flushing and I couldn't keep still. Like a child the night before Christmas, I stayed up, watching and waiting for the slightest inkling that my mate had arrived. Giddy, I felt like a schoolboy.

The Welcoming Balls had been a grand success; the girls taking with them a night to cherish for the rest of their lives. Laughter and delight had coloured the evening gold in her radiance, and I was happy to have been able to gift these girls the experience they were enjoying. Even Mama had enjoyed herself, taking in the splendour of the night for more than just the brief moments of appearance she usually gave. Absentmindedly, I noted that the palace would have to have such events much more frequently under my rule. That would be one of the first laws I'd pass.

The Main Gallery was decorated flawlessly with red ribbons and fine silks draped down from the chandeliers. The essence of sweet rose permeated the air, and the heavy dew gave for an arousing atmosphere. Thick as ambrosia, we kept the liquor flowing freely and had bites meandering their way through the clusters of mingling wolves. 

The party had something of an old world feel, with ballroom dresses and suits, but it still gave a flavour of our culture in its music and décor. Proud animal skins lined the tables and each had a theme tailored to the guests and their districts: the north of heat, the south of sea, the east of earth and the west of stone. The overhead lighting's colours were slightly changed to welcome them and make them feel more at home in the environment.

The order of events flowed seamlessly as well, and after the first of the festivities were over, I personally thanked every Psi that assisted in the makings of the feast. Taking each of them by the hand, I gave them my sincerest gratitude, and forged my presence in their lives as their ruler by choice. It was surreal. Their eyes lit up at the recognition and if anything, it made them work harder. The pride I held for my people was immeasurable.

By the second Ball, I had relaxed slightly into its happenings, now familiar with their working. I was still yet to meet my special someone and I couldn't help but grow impatient. Talon had found his in the South, in a female by the name Xenith that had attended the first ball as a guest. Tavian, on the other hand, had found his in the West. Chadwick, who was one of the neighbouring Alpha's that had arrived for the Swear of Allegiance, had arrived early by happy accident and the two were more than pleased. The only one left, I had to find mine, otherwise none of us could be able to take our rightful place at the Oracle. 

By the end of third Ball, I was desperate, finding myself outside, begging the moon. My emotions had been running haywire all week, and I just couldn't seem to find peace anywhere. I had withdrawn from my friends and comrades, not wishing to share my bitterness with their newfound couplings. In truth, I was happy for them, very much so. I just couldn't express the happiness I felt with this huge peak of darkness looming over me. I was yet to speak to either of the fated.

Pandora's CurseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora