2 - Past, Present and Future

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Helloooooooo and welcome back! Are we ready to meet Leviathan? I sure as hell am...

In honour of werewolf week, I figured I'd give you a cheeky double update x


Sweat. It was the only thing that gave my life meaning; the thin, clear glaze, the only proof that I was worth the weight of my last name. Born royal in a time of turmoil was a difficult boot to fill, as the masses you reigned over looked to you for support and comfort, depending on your radiance as if you were the sun. In times of darkness and desperation, it was what I was destined to become. Crowned heir to the throne when I was only 16, I had to prove my worth in flesh and bone, on the battle field and in the throne room, in man and monster.

The salty scent lingering in the air was the only hope I had some days that my efforts were paying off. That the hours I spent in the dark, learning boundaries and balance were worth it. Grime and dirt constantly streaked my skin from sparring and training; I wore them like battle scars until I got my own. The pride on my father's face that day had been worth every second.

If only I got to say goodbye.

Sweat. It dripped down my proud nose and pooled in the crevices of my skin as I pushed myself harder. Concentrating intently on the task at hand, I let my wolf drive my movements. Precision followed by calculated fury was what made us so strong, and so difficult an opponent to best. I knew him like he knew me, intimately familiar with the rises and falls of our nature. Atlas was power by definition, a huge peak of darkness that moved quicker than lightning. His dominant nature, almost impossible to tame, only soothed through the understanding we shared. We were one and the same.

In a flash, I'd disarmed my Beta, Octavian, who had foolishly challenged me to a sword fight he knew he couldn't win. His weapon clanged to the floor with an echoing shrill, signifying the end of the dance. I smiled, victorious.

"And there you have it, folks. Game over." I bowed theatrically, sheathing my weapon with a smirk, knowing that Talon would get riled up over it. He never disappoints. 

It had been a close fight, with nicks and close shaves on both sides, but in the end, I had prevailed. I would never admit it, but Talon was one of the best and - if he applied himself - could put me in the dirt if he really tried. So I always had to watch myself, though he was my best friend, I couldn't let him win too easily.

"Alright, you cocky bastard," he grumbled as he rolled his eyes, "drink's on me!"

The bet was simple. In an attempt to entertain some of the castle's residents, we had put on a little show in the courtyard for anyone who was passing by. Loser bought the first round at the tavern, and I couldn't let down the ladies. Onlookers had cheered and gathered their friends until the castle walls filled up around us like the Colosseum; circled by the spectators, we gave it all the embellishments to really entertain. 

"Hell yeah it is." Raising my hand as the crowd cried out, I smiled with a genuine love for my people and all we stood for, my eyes passing over their faces.

They were my people. My responsibility. In battle, I would lead them to victory or die by their side. I would live alongside them, shovelling the shit in the stables if need be. I was a Prince, yes, but before that I was a man and just like any man, I would protect what is mine.

Chuckling, I grabbed Talon's shoulders and pushed him towards the exit, now more than ready to quench my thirst. We had been at it all afternoon, and the blistering heat had no favourites; it scorched us all to the bone. My skin felt tingly as I splashed my face in the fountain. I could practically taste the radiation in the air.

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