14 - Signed and Sealed

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Leviathan's POV

I can't stop thinking about her. 

Every little glimpse of her sends me into overdrive and I can't help but search for her scent in every room I enter. Like a boy, my palms sweat and I struggle to think of clever things to say to make her smile, even though her smile is the reason I breathe. I stutter and catch myself daydreaming, staring into her beautiful golden eyes, pondering the secrets they hide. Every time she catches me, I flush an embarrassing scarlet so red, if Talon ever saw, he'd called me Red Riding Hood until the end of my days. 

I couldn't control myself around her. Brainwashed by her vision, my body hardwired to follow, I craved her gaze on my skin like the rising of the sun. Blood rushed and pumped at her command; I was a helpless fish in the ocean with all direction controlled by her tide. 

Relaxing into her hold on me, I felt comforted by the idea that she was the same for me: wanting and willing. She had been strong all her life from what I could tell, so I could only imagine what liberation lied within her that craved to be unleashed. With me, she could be free and relax into my strength as a mate, a friend and a prince. 

If only she would give me her neck.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head to rid myself of thoughts I knew were going to get me into trouble with my Lady. 

I knew it wasn't something I could ask of her, especially not with what I already knew to be true. Regardless, Atlas remained persistent that we at least bring it up in conversation, aching now to unite with his other half.

My Lady's submission wasn't something I could take, and even if I could, I wouldn't. Something as precious and intimate as a neck must be freely given and the union must be consented to for the mark to fester. No pairing, whether fated or not, could force a bond on either party, and both must contribute. 

Absentmindedly, I caressed the flesh under my right ear, wistfully thinking of what might be in the future. I had no doubt in my mind that if I tried it now, she would have me on my ass before I could even blink. Still, the thoughts would not leave me. 

Now that I had found my princess, I wished for nothing more than to start the future I'd been longing for, right away. I had been alone for so long, my soul yearning for what I thought was lost to me. Goddess Gaia had blessed me with the most beautiful flower she had in her garden and I honoured her by treating her gift with care. Placing her in the best home I could offer, I positioned her close enough to me that I could keep an eye on her, while allowing her liberties.

The chalet was beautiful and gave way to Goddess in every way it could: it followed all the lines of the earth and was built of all of her natural resources. With a stream nearby and a field of life surrounding it, it was one of my favourite hideaways as a boy. I used to love to play hide and seek in its forest and run around in its green.

I hadn't told her that though, not wanting her to feel any more out of sorts than she already did. 

She'd adjusted quickly to her role as Head Lady and I couldn't help but admire her resourcefulness. If there was any lingering discomfort at her new life, she didn't let it show. My Lady Pandora was truly a force to be reckoned with; I pitied the wayward soul that would ever try to force her into a corner. Her grace multiplied the longer she stayed and graced my heart with light palpitations whenever she met my eye.

Things were going as smoothly as smooth might think, but I couldn't help but wish they'd hurried along. We were yet to kiss, let alone mark each other and Atlas and I were growing ravenous. It was as if our paths were destined not to cross.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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