11 - The Swear of Allegiance

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Pandora's POV

Collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion, I finally relaxed, letting my real scent permeate the air. It was risky, but after the events of tonight, I had to cut myself some slack. Massaging my shoulders delicately, I found myself tracing his touches, casting my mind back to his eyes. They were so soft and sweet, like I was something precious that had to be taken care of. As mine slipped shut, I played the events back, watching the memories that would change my life forever.


His name would escape my lips on a whisper, on a prayer, on a sigh and I'd never forget the cadence of the sounds, strung out on a line. The linkage of letters in this particular order would forever call goosebumps to the surface of my skin. He was mine, and I was his.

Pulling myself off the bed, I dragged my feet over to the mirror, where I began to piece apart the monstrous beauty they had constructed. Starting with the dress, I slipped out of its silk until it pooled at my feet. The straps were smooth and slipped down to reveal skin cut from the same cloth. Even tone and texture stretched across its expanse and I watched my muscles curl as my body moved to relieve itself of the next piece of fabric. 

My chest rose and fell and my lips parted as a rush of lust fluttered across my mind's eye. It was as if I could feel him, moving inside me. I could feel him tossing under my skin, pushing and pulling, begging me to let him in deeper. I sighed, my head rolling on my shoulders, as his touch traced my back once again.

His nose drew down my throat and nestled in the crook of my neck; my own fingertips tracing the area. Biting my lip, I felt my consciousness slip into the pool, disappearing below its surface. Caught in the crosshairs of daydreaming and memory lane, I let my mind wander to the possibilities of what could be if I stayed. 


I could hear his voice in my head, lips brushing my own as he whispered the words. A deep rooted craving settled itself in the pit of my stomach, and I felt my cheeks burn with the thoughts he placed in my mind. I had never felt this way before. Andromeda was uncharacteristically silent, having drifted off into her own fantasy bliss not too dissimilar from my own.

Gulping, I pulled myself back into the moment. Still half naked, I looked back into the mirror and almost saw him standing there in the reflection.


With a quick shake, I fully detached myself from the dreamscape and continued with the task at hand. Ridding my face from the remnants of the night, I washed myself roughly, unable to get the sticky scent of him off my skin. Sighing, I couldn't help but relish its warmth.

Goddess, what is happening to me?

Crawling into bed, I turned the lights off before Bisa could run in with her tales of the evening. I knew I wouldn't survive a conversation with the chatting teenager, not while I was in such a state. So as much as it pained me, I shut myself off and turned away. She would forgive me by morning, as was her nature, but I couldn't help but feel guilty for my selfishness. She was the type that would want to share her experience, and since I was the first friend she had made on this journey, I knew that role would fall to me.

I had just closed my eyes, when I heard the door creak open.


"Good morning, sleepy head!" Bisa's voice was loud as a claxon, and I couldn't help but groan.

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