4 - Now that we're acquainted...

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So I know it's been a while but now that XERO is finished, I can totally concentrate on this story as well as some other bits and bobs I've got in the works for you guys. Isn't this exciting? Maybe I'll treat you to a double update today. I'm in a writing mood.


Leviathan's POV

I'd always loved the festive seasons. Maybe it was the colours on the walls or the sweetness in the air, either way, the buzz of excitement that hummed through the castle's veins was intoxicating. The beauty of children's laughter and the smiles on aging faces, glad to see another year, overwhelmed my senses as I ambled down the halls. Taking it all in, I decided to take the scenic route, mindful that I was probably going to be a couple of minutes late. 

The theme this year had felt a lot like a harvest festival, in the sense that everything was green. Beautiful native flowers and ornaments decorated the entirety of the palace, giving it a spectacularly grand but earthly feel. Fresh fruit was stocked up at every junction in beautiful woven glass baskets, and I found myself in awe of their craftmanship. 

The decorations were nearing completion as preparations had begun weeks in advance. It felt like everyone was so enthusiastic to see the end result that the work had a spring in its step. It was coming along quicker than ever. Running my fingers across a bundle of rosemary, I took in their scent with a smile.

"There you are!" Talon cried out to me from the other end of the hall. "Your mother is going to be furious. You do know that this is a meeting with the Order, right? Where's your tie?"

Talon had a habit of fussing over me like a mother hen, so I was used to the treatment. We had been like this ever since we were boys. He was the one with his shirt fully buttoned up and I was the one with his shirt missing a few. That was just how it worked between us. Antiphonally, we played to our opposing strengths with impeccable communication, making us a formidable force of nature.

I had expected him to rush towards me, cursing like a sailor, as he tried to get me to look somewhat presentable, so I didn't flinch when he did just that. Straightening my collar with a frown, he continued to grumble about my lack of punctuality and formal decorum. He was right, of course; I'd forgotten my cufflinks and my laces were undone. Nevertheless, I tried to put him at ease.

"Talon, it's fine, I know this is important. Relax. My tie is in my pocket." Tutting softly at him, I inspected his immaculate appearance. "One might think you're the Crown Prince instead of me."

"And no one would question it with you looking like this." Fastening cufflinks I assumed he'd brought with him for me, he shook his head. This was a dance we'd performed perfectly for years but I still smiled at his thoughtfulness. The world was yet to acquire a better Beta than him.

"What would I do without you, Tal?"

"Oh, shut up. Come on, we're late." He snickered knowingly.

With a chuckle and a shove, we bounded down the many steps of the palace, only slowing our pace when we approached the Oracle. This was the big boy table. I had yet to secure my seat as my mother's successor; this was my first orientation. Nerves gripped me suddenly as I realised that the entirety of my future lay in wait behind its double doors. 

Inspecting the architecture as a means of relaxation, I noted the delicate curves of the sandalwood design and the vinery etch work. In contrast to its purpose, the door held no embellishments and stood rather understated in comparison to the throne room. Its importance spoke for itself.

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