✩ thirteen ✩

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'there are only three kinds of relationships in the animal kingdom. the first is commensalism. one example, fish finding hiding spots in coral reefs. fish profit, but life for the coral doesn't change. then, there's mutualism, a relationship where both animals benefit from each other. the tricky thing about animals is you don't always know what kind of relationship you're in. which brings me to relationship number three. the parasitic.'

ivy woke up the next morning laying in her bed. the events of last night flooding back to her. she immediately stood up, running out into the kitchen where jj stood sipping a beer.

'let's go.' ivy said.

'we can't, kie and pope already tried. they won't let anyone in to see him. plus, dcs will get your ass too if they haven't already gotten his.' jj took the final sip of his beer and placed the empty bottle on the counter.

'why wouldn't they let me in, i'm his fucking sister!' she huffed.

'woah, woah, woah, chill out v. just get dressed and we'll go meet kie and pope the wreck, and if he isn't back by lunchtime, we'll go see him.' jj sighed.

'thank you.' ivy smiled, running back to her room to quickly change out of her outfit from the night before.

ivy soon ran back out of her room wearing a tank top and shorts. she quickly grabbed her vans and slipped them on, running out to where jj was sitting on his bike.

'you ready?' he asked.

'ready for you to kill me on this thing? sure.' ivy smiled.


ivy followed behind jj up the ramp into the wreck, pushing open the door and smiling when she saw kie walking behind the counter.

'i'm sorry, you're staying where?'


'so you're living with sarah cameron?'

'oh my god, john b!' ivy yelled.

john b turned around, a smile on his face as his little sister ran towards him, throwing her arms around him and holding him in a tight hug.

'you're ok.' ivy smiled.

'yea, just my wrist got a little mangled.' john b smiled.

'i don't care. you're still alive.' ivy said, pulling away and smiling at john b again.

john b then turned and faced kie, 'and the only reason i'm staying there is because her dad bailed me out, right? and it's way better than foster care, which, by the way, is where i was about to go if ward didn't bail me out. he even offered ivy a place there if she wants.'

'living with and or near rafe cameron? no thanks i'd rather get struck by lightning.' she scoffed, causing john b to let out a small laugh.

'hey, so like, do you have a membership to the clubs now? pope asked.

'i don't know pope.' john b sighed, taking a seat at the table pope was sitting at.

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