Chapter 17: Don't Joke With Me

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Sierra's POV

I walked through the same glass doors and spotted JJ by Emily's cubical. I smiled and walked to the pair.

"Hey Sierra!" They said. I grinned and said, "This is actually a goodbye."

They both looked at me shocked and Emily said, "Where are you going?"

JJ agreed, "Yeah, why the sudden leave?"

I rubbed the back of my neck and said, "Well, there's a school in New York in need of a music teacher next month. I figured I'd take it."

They nodded and JJ replied, "Make sure you say goodbye to Garcia. She'll have a field day if you didn't and end up hacking into some traffic lights and keep you from leaving." I laughed and turned to find Derek.

"I'll make sure to visit when I can!"

They both replied, "You better!"

I spotted the dark man at the kitchenette with Penelope. I smile sadly as Penelope turned around. She looked shocked and asked, "Hey, babe, you alright?"

Derek turned and frowned at me. "What's wrong, princess?" I sighed and gave them the same news I gave to JJ and Emily. Penelope hugged me and mumbled a good luck, love you, and miss you to me.

As she walked away, Derek pulled me into a hug. "I don't know why your doing this, but make sure you are truly happy about it. Stay safe princess."


I had told Aaron goodbye and thanked him for taking my kidnapping case. He just smiled and said, "You mean the world to all of us."

I couldn't help but take his words to heart, I really was loved here, wasn't I?
With that, I spotted Spencer in his chair and writing a report.

His head was ducked down and hair surrounding his face. He forehead was one that showed he was in deep thought. His brown eye were focused, completely blocking out the world. He suddenly put his pen down and looked up at me. A smile formed onto his handsome face, making me tear up a bit.

"I don't want to leave." I almost said.

Spencer's POV

She walked towards me with her head ducked down. Her hazel eyes finally met mine, and I asked, "Visiting?"

Her eyes turned sad as she replied, "Just bidding farewell."

My breath hitched. She...she's leaving? I said that I'd never lose her again, but I didn't expect her wanting to leave. How cam I tell her no when she asks? "What do you mean?" I asked.

I heard her gulp and say slowly, "I have a job offer in New York to be a music teacher. They need me up there this week to start preparing me for the school year. I'm taking it, Spence."

My eyes began to water. She has got to be joking. After all we've been through? It reminds me of the time she 'dyed' her hair pink.

Before she was kidnapped, she came in through her front door while I was cooking dinner. I lifted my eyes, expecting to see my brunette girlfriend, but...I saw pink hair.

"S-Sierra?" I had asked.

She grinned, her teeth showing and said, "Hey, babe! Like the new hair? I decided to go out and do something spontaneous. When I saw the hair color, I fell in love!"

I licked my lips and said, "Sierra, I love you very much."

She nodded and began go fake-tear. That was the day I found out she was terrible at acting.

"You hate it don't you!" She fussed.

"Beautiful, I'll say that I miss the brown hair you had, but if your happy, then so am I."

"Thank God!" She sighed. She reached up and lulled at her pink hair and tossed it in the trash. She fiddled with her head and down cascaded her back.

She was wearing a wig. She explained that she was making sure I'd always tell her the truth. I then kissed her and said, "Don't ever joke with me like that again."

"D-Don't joke with me, Sierra." I whispered.

"I need to end our relationship so I can take this job. I came here to tell everyone goodbye first." She continued, crying herself.

"I am ruined as it is, and you deserve someone better than me. You deserve someone who is more like you and less like me. Someone who can handle what I've been through and worse."
She finally met my brown eyes and said, "But I will always love you, Spencer. Don't ever forget that."

Then, Sierra ran out of the building.

Before The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora