Chapter 7: No

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The doorbell rang a few minutes later, and Sierra walked to answer it. Had fifteen minutes really gone by that fast? She reached into her pocket and asked "How much do I owe you?"

"Sierra Daniels."

I scrunched my eyebrows, recognizing the voice. I looked up as I heard Sierra squeal. I smiled at her, admiring how excited she was.


"How are you?" He asked kindly.

"I'm spectacular."

"Gideon?" I asked. Gideon smiled at me a bit and asked, "How are you, Spencer?" I grinned and hugged him as he reached towards me. "I'm...great, actually."

"Come one, I'll make some drink and grab plates. You guys go sit in the living room." Sierra said kindly. Both of us walked towards the living room, where Sierra and I just kissed each other.

I smile just a bit and sit down across the coffee table from Gideon.

"How much of her past has she told you, Spencer?" Gideon asked quietly.

"She's told me that she was one of your cases and you found her almost in Colorado before you found her. Sierra and I were just talking about her mom's arthritis and Alzheimer's that has recently begun. Other than that, nothing too much." I replied sadly. I never thought an amazing girl like her could have struggles. I guess that's what love does, it makes the other person seem flawless.

"Did she tell you what happened when she was kidnapped?" Gideon asked.

I felt my chest tighten in worry."No, she hasn't. Did something happen?" Reid asked quickly.

Gideon let out a sigh and answered. "As much as I want to tell you, it's not my place. What I will tell her is to handle her carefully."

I nodded, still feeling wary.

"You have most likely earned her trust already, but if she tells you, WHEN she tells you, have open arms, and know that she has basically opened up to you fully, and she trusts you with her life. It took her weeks before she trusted me enough to tell me what happened, but she and I began to have this connection as a father should have with a daughter. That's when I agreed to take care of her." I listened as he spoke of their past together. I realize that they were really close.

I nodded and said, "So, your essentially her father, correct?" Gideon nodded in return.

"I want to make her my girlfriend."

"I know you, and I know her." Gideon started. "I know what you both are capable of. I know what your not capable of. I can tell you've taken a liking to her."

He paused a rubbed the back of his neck,

"No, you cannot."

I shouldn't be so surprised, but for some reason, I felt so weak and vulnerable. I guess I really do care about Sierra.

"She calls you by your last name, right?" Gideon asked. "Doctor Reid, yes." I answered.?Jason replied, "When she calls you by your first name voluntarily, you may be together." I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"How come until then?"

Gideon folded his hands and said, "Sierra is a girl of respect. She feels that she needs to fully know someone before she calls them by their first name. Her being romantically interested in you may either hurry her along and be on first-name basis with you; or, it can have the total opposite effect and make her more nervous, causing it to take a while longer."

"I understand. Then, may I take her on dates?"

Gideon smiled. "I can agree with that."

I felt relief fill my mind as Sierra walked into the room. I wonder what took her so long...

"Here's the food, what do you all want to drink?" Gideon smiled and said, "Water." Sierra seemed to be nervous when she turned towards me.

I smiled at her in reflex and said, "Coffee, please?" She nodded, adding a smile and sauntered off to the kitchen and brought back the drinks. She grabbed a slice of pizza and asked, "What brought you back here, Jason?" He smiled and said, "I can't stay away from my daughter that long, now can I?"

She smiled and ate her pizza. I took a few bites and Gideon commented, "I see you two are getting along."

I nodded and said, "Yes, I'm enjoying having something different going on in my life." He turned to Sierra and gazed at her. You have no idea how beautiful a person is until they open up to you. Sierra wasn't just beautiful, she is gorgeous. She smiled at me and agreed. "I am too."

"Well, how about a game of chess?" Gideon said.

And with that, brought smiles to all of our faces.

(3rd person)

They sat in the house for hours, moving pawns and checking mate. They were all so engrossed into their games that they were completely oblivious to the black van that sat outside the house with a man inside, holding binoculars, and strategically planning his next attack on his daughter:

Sierra Daniels.


A/N: So, I'm going to put in nee fluff chapters to replace the others.

That way you learn about Spencer's feeling about Sierra and watch as they grow throughout the book.

Stay tuned!!!


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