Chapter 10: How I Met Your Mother

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A/N: That is really Sandra Bullock, but she is going to be Eliza Daniels, Sierra's mom.

Also, I really hope you get the pun of the title. So original, right? Lol!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, Sierra had asked for me to meet her mother. Nervousness swelled in my head and my feet were tingling. I couldn't think straight, and I couldn't remember if tingling feet meant low blood circulation or if it was the beginning of a heart attack


A lady with curly blonde-dyed hair and green eyes that were shining knew Sierra's name. I guess Sierra must come here enough for them to know her name. This situation was similar to the place my mom was at, and how the staff knew my name. Sierra stepped up to the desk and pulled me along gently. I wrapped an arm around her waist carefully, just as she began to speak.

"Hey Maria. I'm here to see Eliza Daniels." Maria nodded and stood. "I'll go find her for you. You canhave a seat in one of those chairs."

Sierra nodded and Maria began to walk towards the doors. Sierra sighed and adjusted her outfit out of being nervous. After giving her a fee silent moments to herself, I decided to speak. "You're nervous."

She jumped and covered her mouth to soften her squeak. I chuckled because she essentially proved my point about being tense. The brunette tapped my chest lightly with her hand and said, "You are so mean! Don't scare me like that!"

I brushed her hair behind her ear and said, "That just proves that you are tense."

Sierra sighed and sat down on the two-seater bench. She rubbed her eyes, trying to wipe away any form of sadness there was. "I just don't know how she is going to act today." She explained.

As I was about to comfort her, Maria walked back in. "She is in the courtyard."

Here we go.


"Mom?" Sierra called softly.

Sierra's mother was sitting in a wheelchair with a book in her hands. It was Pinochio, and I smiled at the memory of Sierra and I in her room.

"Pinocchio was always my mom's favorite. I never understood why though."

I grinned and added to her thoughts. "Did you know that the author, Carlo Lorenzini, was actually obsessed with the human nose?"

She laughed and said, "The things you memorize, Doctor Reid, are truly amazing."

I smiled sheepishly and found myself staring at her.

Sierra had inherited the same light brown hair that floated off of her mother's shoulders as the wind blew softly. I noticed Sierra was tearing up as she admired her mother. I stood behind her and rubbed her back, attempting to let her know I wasn't leaving anytime soon.


I never took much mind to it when Sierra mentioned that her mother would cry when Sierra would come to see her until Sierra's mother dropped her book and whispered,"Oh my god..."

Sierra knelt in front of her and the mother reached for the face of her child with shaky hands. "S-Sierra?"

Sierra smiled at her. "Yeah. It's me mom. I'm so sorry for hurting you for nine years. I wish I could have come sooner."

She threw her arms around Sierra and sobbed.

"I thought you were dead!"

She hugged her and cried softly. "I was never dead. It's just how you decided to remember it." Sierra replied.

The older lady leaned back, quickly dried her eyes and said, "How are you?" Sierra grinned and said, "I've never been better. I want you to meet someone though."

She turned towards me, still on her knees and said, "This is Doctor Spencer Reid." I smiled and held out my hand towards the adult, "Hello Mrs. Daniels." She laughed lightly and pulled me for a hug.

"Thank you, Doctor Reid, for taking care of my daughter." She released me and looked to Sierra, saving me the awkward moment of me attempting to hug my girlfriend's mother.

Wait, was I allowed to call her that?

"So, is he your boyfriend?" Mrs. Daniels asked her daughter.

Guess I'm about to find out.

Sierra blushed and stuttered. "W-Well, yes. H-He is." Mrs. Daniels cocked her head to the side and asked, "But he's a doctor, isn't he a little old for you?" Sierra blushed furiously and became flustered. "Sp-Spencer graduated when he w-was twelve a-and he's only a f-few years older than me!"

It was my turn to blush, but a grin was still spread across my pale face. I guess I was allowed to call Sierra my girlfriend. Mrs. Daniels smiled and looked relieved. "That's good. Now, Doctor, where do you work."

I replied smoothly, "I work as a profiler for the Behavioral Analysis Unit over in Quantico for the FBI. We-"

She held up her hand and said, "I know what a profiler is darling. Now, how did you meet my daughter?"

Sierra answered for me, slowly. "Well, there was a man who found me, Agent Jason Gideon. You two became friends and he ended up acting as a...father to me. They worked on the same team, and when Jason left, he asked Spencer and I to meet each other about six months ago." She nodded and said, "I remember Jason."

Sierra's eyes bulged and her hazel eyes glanced at me. "Y-You do?" She asked honestly.

Mrs. Daniels nodded. "Yes, he agreed to find you. And I suppose he did?" Sierra gulped once more and nodded.

Mrs. Daniels smiled and looked into the sky.

"He was a great man with a terrible loss."

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