Chapter 13: We Have a Problem

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A Very Big thank you to my newest fans ... lasmith1986  & prd2bme (who voted on every single chap of Blurry & Passion too :) Thanks for the dedication to my work!!!!!!

Thanks so much!


Chapter 13: We Have a Problem

Ronan POV

“What is wrong with you sweet girl. You’ve been acting strangely ever since you’re birthday.” I asked as I studied her closely. I was suspicious that she’d been hiding something, but I couldn’t have afforded to have asked so blatantly.

I sat in my chair while she curled up on the couch. We had taken up the same places as we always had when we needed to talk. For some reason, and I couldn’t have explained it, I knew she kept a very important secret all to herself. But what had changed since her birthday? Surely this couldn’t have been about her mother and me. If she had known about that, then I doubt she would have been so calm.

It could have been about the psycho stalker, but we hadn’t heard from him in a good month, so I doubted she was worried about that. Besides, this felt more like a good nervous, than a bad one. Well, anything that she’d hidden from me was bound to have been bad, but what could I have done but tried to pry it out of her gently?

“Can’t a girl be happy? Last time I checked, it wasn’t a crime.” She remarked, a frown made its way to her face.

“It’s not that you’re happy, it’s what’s making you so happy that concerns me.” I announced with a skeptical tone. What had she expected from me? She had changed so drastically in the past few months. Perhaps this was about a boy. God help us if it was. I scowled at the thought. I remembered our talk about sex, but humans have hormones and even part humans can be overtaken by them.

“Look, is this about a guy again? Because if it is I think we should discuss some important, intimate type things.” I responded calmly, though I was entirely too nervous about the subject, and patiently waited for her to mount a massive defense. There were rules and so many things she wasn’t aware of. It would have only hurt her more if she had feelings for a guy, or had sex with a guy, who wasn’t her betrothed and had to break up with him.

“First of all, we aren’t discussing any type of things, and secondly, why do you always think it’s about a boy? My life doesn’t revolve around boys. I do have other things to be happy about. I could be in a good mood or maybe it’s my gifts or that I have two dads or I don’t know anything.” She argued almost too adamantly.

Yeah, this was definitely about a guy. Shit. I hadn’t wanted to be the one to have to broken it to her. This was not going to go over well. If she was pissed that we lied about both of us being her father, than she would have been really pissed when she discovered we were about to marry her off and had already picked out her fiancé.

“So, who’s the boy and how long have you been dating?” I asked with a knowing look. She returned a guilty look which only verified my suspicions.

“There is no boy Uncle Rony, please, just let this go.” She begged with such a desperate appearance on her face.

“Maybe I’ll ask Ezra. He has got know who it is. I mean, if he’s not willing to talk, then I could beat it out of him easily.” I mused but she suddenly became defensive.

“No! What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t beat the shit out of Ezra. He has nothing to do with this!” She shouted and jumped from her seat so quickly that I almost missed it. She paced the room and threw off such duress that I almost pitied her.

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