02. Visiting With An Old Friend.

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Prysillah's POV.

"Fright Night" the voices of the choir of creepy monster chimed in.

Signaling that it was my cue.

"Good evening, I know what your saying... It's only a movie... But, your wrong. " I said as I disappeared behind a screen of smoke and pyro.

I could hear the gasps from my crew.

I returned, this time from the side of the set, threw the old cemetery gates.

"For monsters are real..." I continued.

"The forces of Darkness are at work everywhere. And I know this is true for I have stared it straight into the eyes. I have felt it's claws at my throat, I have seen it's burning red eyes." I said.

I continued the show for about a half hour when finally at last we went off the air and the director yelled cut.

After that the cast and crew erupted into a fit of applause for me.

I bowed politely and said my thank you's and all the things I did Every week.

I left for my dressing room straight after to awaite the arrival of Charleigh and her new boyfriend Alix Young.

I didn't have to wait very long.
I was sitting in my chair when my assistant Julie came over and with her were Charleigh and Alix.

"Hello Charleigh!" I said as I hugged my young friend.

"Hey Prysillah!" She said back.

I turned my attention over to the young, attractive man she was with.

"And you must be Alix Young, Prysillah Vincent, pleasure to meet you. " I said to him.

" Umm yeah I'm uh Alix. " He Studdard.

"Alix is a really big fan." Charleigh explained.

"Yes Ms. Vincent I am a big fan." Alix simply replied.

After a while, Charleigh and Alix and myself continued to talk the minutes by, untill the studio closed.

We then all made our way back to my apartment.

After my show stint in Las Vegas came to an end, I used the money I made there to move into a new place.

The palace apartments.

It was called that because of how  the old structure towered over the town.

After a bit we were finally inside my apartment.

Alix was admiring my film memorabilia while I spoke to Charleigh.

"It's so good to see you again Charleigh." I said.

"Prysillah I'm sorry I didn't return any of your phone calls. " Charleigh suddenly spoke.

" No, no, no, I understand, you had to put all of that behind you. " I said.

Then I added; "does he know.... About... " I was cut off by Alix.

" About the vampires Ms. Vincent, yes I'm sorry I couldn't help but over hear, and yes Charleigh has told me all about the vampires. " Alix said.

" Of course she has. " I put in.

"For warned is for armed." I then put in.

"Yes It would seem so. " Charleigh said.

Charleigh and I carried a tray of wine to the coffee table.
Alix, Charleigh, and I sat on the sofa while I raised my glass and said :

"To conquering the forces of Darkness, wherever they might be."


Charleigh's POV.

We stayed at Prysillah's for hours untill the clocks chimed away, signaling midnight.

Prysillah was in the middle of one of her favorite on-set movie story's.

"And you see I was standing at the top of the stairs and this was supposed to retract, and it didn't, so you see I almost stabbed him right threw the heart! " Prysillah said, showing off one of her knife props.

" Oh but my dear boy, the very best story of them all is the one that Charleigh has already told you. The things that we saw and did...you wouldn't believe half of it." Prysillah said.

" No I probably wouldn't Ms. Vincent." Alix said.

"To those days...gone, but not forgotten." Prysillah said, raising her wine glass.

" Come along my dear boy, I must show you around.". She said as she held her arm out for Alix to take.

I used this time alone to look around Prysillah's place.

I walked over to the fire place and hanging above it, were the film posters for her movies Blood Suckers From Beyond  & Scream For Your Supper.

She still had all of the old crosses that she had used in her old movies.

I walked over to a table on the right side of the front door.

This is what Prysillah called our table
Because it held all the things we used that night.

The stake that I had put through Billie Jean Cole on the staircase of the Dandrige house.

Both the cross and stake that had played apart in Ellie's end.

And finally the stake that Prysillah had put through Jerri Dandrige. Even though it didn't kill her.

And the tarp that was over the window that Prysillah and I had used to cover Adam up with to keep him from being burned by the sunlight that filled the basement. It was folded up neat and sat on the end of the table, a quick pass-bye and it would look like a simple blanket.

And underneath the table, was the wooden box of 'vampire protection' that Prysillah had brought to Jerri's when we entered for the first time as "Vampire Killers"

She hadn't touched anything since.

Not a soul in the world, except for myself and Prysillah knew the history of these items on this table.

And we both agreed to keep it that way.

I eventually moved away from the table, and over to the big floor to ceiling window that Prysillah had in her living room.

I glanced out of the window and saw that the moon was full and shining down brighter than ever.

I glanced over at the other appartment windows.

I didn't see anything much, but when I looked to the ground down below, I saw a big moving truck parked in front of the gates that lead to the lobby of the building.

They had big wooden creates on the dolly's and were moving a huge load of things.

Then a black limousine pulled in behind the truck.

"Thanks very much, but no thanks." I whispered to myself before leaving the window to go find Prysillah and Alix.



Done again!


Love you all!!

- Nikki

Fang's And Blood Part 2: Fright Night Part 2 Reimagined. Where stories live. Discover now