15: Welcome To Fright Night... Again.

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Alix's POV.

"One meets friends in the strangest of places." Prysillah's voice distracted me from my thoughts.

" Ms. Vincent-" I started.
"Please, call me Prysillah." She cut in.
" Ok, Prysillah... Do you think that Charleigh is... You know... Alright? " I asked.

" I don't know my dear... It is going to be a war you know, we must prepare. " She said. Pointing to a church just off the highway we were driving on.
Well I was driving, Prysillah sat in the passenger seat.

I pulled the car up to the front of the church. Prysillah and I got out and walked up to the door.

"Now we're going to need holy water-" she started.

"Holy water?" I asked surprised. First of all how could we just walk into a church and take the stuff? And second of all what is they didn't even have this stuff in here? Then what?

"Yes, and wafers-" she started again.
"Wafers? Wait a minute I'm not going to hell for this am I? " I rambled on as we entered the church.

A few minutes later we were loaded down with all the necessities needed to fight a vampire.

Prysillah found most of it. Damn does that woman know her stuff.
As we were leaving we both turned back to face the church's entrance.

"We're both just borrowing this stuff, I promise." Prysillah said to the Sky,

After that we load our stuff in the car and waisted no time heading
To get Charleigh.
I just hoped that it wouldn't be to late when we got there.


Charleigh's POV.

Open you eyes. I try to tell myself.

Where am I?  

Where's Alix?

Where's Prysillah?

Where's Randy?


He's the last person I remember before it all went black.

My eyes are still closed but I suddenly realise I'm in water.

It's really warm. It feels good.
Then I feel a hand slide from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers.

My eyes shot open.

And there stood the devil himself.


Then it all hits me at once.

I'm inside a bath tub. Its almost over flowing with water.

I'm just in a t-shirt and short-shorts.

Where are my clothes?

Well at least I'm not naked. Talk about awkward.

Then behind Randy stepped in Bayne.
He had stuff that looked like bubble bath or shampoo or something.
And big fluffy folded towels. And what looked like clean dry clothes.

I noticed that the bath tub was in the middle of the room. There were sheer curtains that incased where we were.
And the light came from a huge  candel holder. With seven or so candels in each one. And there were several in the room.

Bayne walked over to the right side of the bathtub. And Randy sat down at my head.

"Why did you bring me here? And where am I?" I managed to get out.

Fang's And Blood Part 2: Fright Night Part 2 Reimagined. Where stories live. Discover now