14. Playing Doctor.

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Charleigh's POV.

Move! I screamed desperately to my brain. Please, move!
But it was hopeless. I couldn't move.
I sat still in the back of the same limo that Rachel had road to her twisted fate.

Inside this limo I sat in the main back seat, staring straight ahead.
Randy was sitting to my right.
Bayne was to my left. I was in the middle. Bayne had a tight grip in my upper arm and Randy had his left hand rested just above my knee.

We road like this for what seemed forever.
I couldn't move or speak. All I could do was think. Think about how I had been so stupid to not believe Prysillah.
How I had been so careless a girlfriend for Alix.
And finally how I was going to make it out of this situation alive.

At last the limo slowed down and pulled up to the curb with a smooth stop. The driver was the woman who had been serving drinks at the party Prysillah and I were at.
I had come to find out that her name was Brayleigh.

Brayleigh got out and walked around the back of the limo and came to the door. She opened and Randy got out.
He simply Jestered for me to follow.

Ok, I mentally told myself, there is no way in hell I'm going anywhere with this Psycho...no matter how gorgeous he is.
But within seconds my legs started to do there own thing. Suddenly I was moving out of the limo and moving towards Randy.

I got out with Bayne on my heels.
He looped an arm with mine and lead me towards the Appartment building where they (and Prysillah) all lived.
This was the first time I had noticed where we were.

Stop moving...ok, stop moving!
I was still mentally screaming at my self. But to no avail. As we walked across the lawn, Randy in the lead and Bayne and I close behind. Brayleigh had already pulled away to what I assumed was to park the limo, the full moon shown bright in the night Sky with just the hint of a night breeze blowing through.
All I could think of was how I was going to get out of this. All of this.

But deep down inside I knew that most likely I would never live through to see the next sunrise.

God help me.


Alix's POV.

"Buzzzzzzzz" the buzz-in box made a loud noise as I rehearst the fake lined in my head.

"Yeah?" I raspy, tired voice said through the box.

"I need to see Prysillah Vincent please. Shes just been admitted." I said.

" Come back tomorrow, all of the doctors have gone home for the night." The voice said.

" No, you see you must let me in...This is a matter of life and death. I'm Ms. Vincent's doctor..." I lied.

*****(5 minutes later)*****

" Are you here for the movie?" A young girl asked me as I was being lead to Prysillah's holding cell.

Lying my way through this place had been a breeze. I just hope it stayed that way.

"What?" I asked the girl.

"Hello...The Prysillah Vincent movie. You know she's got to get out of here so she can go kill Vampires." The girl said as the guard shooed her off.

" Where's the doctor?" I cranky looking male nurse asked as I was lead to the front desk. It had been shielded completely with glass looking plastic all around.

"I am." I answered Confidently.

"Yes and I'm smoky the bear, honey." He replied.

" Look, don't mess with me dude, I have had ten yes that is TEN full sessions at Ingleburg state hospital today. At lunch I talked a jumper down from the bell tower at city hall. And I have got a patient that is in the wrong hospital. Now I'm gonna get grief from you because I still look like a teenager? I've got some ID. What do you need? I've got A.M.A card, National Association of Clinical Psychologists ID number? Even my diners club card is in here." I said. Wow I'm good.

And with that reply I was lead passed the grumpy male guard who's badge I saw read Jon.

Then the same guard who had brought me through lead me to Prysillah's holding cell. I caught sight of her badge to. It read Nancy.

Nancy swiped her badge through the holding cell door and it let out a loud noise and opened. She lead me into the room and Prysillah was sat on the bed.
Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Nurse can you please get those transfer papers ready for me while I take care of my patient?" I asked Jon.

" Doctor this is highly irregular." Jon said.

"Just do it." I snapped.

"Hello doctor." Prysillah said.

Jon left to go get the papers while Nancy remained Inside the cell with me.

I had just begun to start fake examining Prysillah when we all heard the fire alarms go off.

Nancy dashed out the door to see what was the matter and as she opened the door a big cleaning mop hit her in the stomach and then a pair of arms elbowed her in the back and she feel to the floor.

Then the head of the girl I had seen in the front at the desk popped her head in the door.

"Ok miss Vincent, you can go kill your vampire now. And don't worry, Jon's all taking care of to." She said winking.

" Thanks" Prysillah and I both said as we flew out the door.

"Your welcome! The names Annabelle by the way." She said, waving.


Done for this chapter!
Yay me.

So please again overlook mistakes.
I'm tired 😴

That is all.

Love you all 💖


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