Ch 25: Betrayed

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The sun was painting long shadows on the earth below me. I shifted against the tree trunk, making myself comfortable. Well, as comfortable as possible while straddling the branch of a 30 foot tree.

Below me a river curled and spun down the cliff face, water plummeting into the ravine beneath.

The irony isn't lost on me that I was captured mere meters from here.

It feels like a lifetime ago.

I had come to this spot often growing up, finding solace in the continuous thrumming of the water. I would climb until I was certain no vampire or person would accidentally find me and sit, counting the stars, befriending the birds and squirrels until they were no longer scared to approach me, nibbling on my fingers and curling into my lap.

Today, however, there are no critters of the forest to keep me company. I am alone.

A bitter wind blows tangled hair into my face and I pull it from my mouth. Winter was setting in. The view of the forest floor below me, normally dappled with clusters of bright, green leaves, now was clear, stark, naked branches framing the ground below me.

I take a shuddering breath.

Focus, Estrella.

I need to get my hands to stop shaking.

I tighten my grip on the gnarled knots swirling throughout the bark. Frustrated, I growl when it only accentuates my trembling.

Celestia had lied to me. She had been lying to me.

It wasn't just that she omitted the truth about Jake and Ravenstown, it threw into question every moment, every smooth reply she had ever given me.

Was it all fake?

Celestia had said telling me was 'not constructive'. Not constructive to her plan. Her plan of winning the trust of the girl who knew how to map the caves. The girl who knew how to win the war.

And I had just let it go on, complacent?

I had brushed shoulders with her on the piano bench, tangled our bare legs together in her bed, let her swirl me around on the dance floor. Allowed myself to be swooned and mesmerized.

By the Queen of Blood.

Did I really think she was anything less?

Hot fire burned through my fingertips and I clench my fist.

I had stopped looking for my family, thinking about them even.

When had I become comfortable in the cage she confined me in?

You know her, Estrella. A little voice from the back of my head speaks up. She was fearful. Trying to protect you.

I scoff at my own thoughts. The Queen of Blood did not get scared. She didn't fear the actions of anyone, let alone me, an 18 year old girl.

The Queen of Blood doesn't. But Celestia might.

I bow my head into my hands, dragging my fingers through my tangled mess of hair.

What did she have to fear? That I would leave her for Jake? View his annoying disregard of my emotions as what— persistent? Chivalrous?

If anything it was the opposite. I should not have to tell him no more than once.

I sigh, my gaze falling to the horizon. Wispy, gray plumes of smoke waft up above the treeline in the distance. Camp. They already trusted the vampires so much. We never used to burn fires while it was light, but with the vampires as allies it had already become common practice.

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