Ch 9: Silver Arrow

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I wake to the sound of a cheerful song from the sparrow in the corner of the room. Warm morning sun rays pour in through the window and scatter across the bed, spreading warmth through the covers.

My body feels refreshed, unlike the past several mornings when I've woken up. My exhaustion seems to have been worn away. I yawn and stretch, rubbing my eyes to rid the sleep from their corners.

Slowly as my mind, still slow from sleep, begins to wake the events of last night rush back. 

Immediately my face flushes as I remember waking from the nightmare to find the Queen holding me in her arms. My heart begins to skip and flutter as I remember the feelings I had felt, the intensity of them as I had pushed past all my taught hatred and crawled into the Queen's embrace, clutching to her desperately. My skin tingles at the memory of her strong arms wrapping around me as if to protect me, the feeling of my body pressed against her elegant, sturdy, strong frame.

I frown as I remember her showing me the observatory and telling me the story of the Yellow Star. I can't remember returning to my room... does that mean I fell asleep in the observatory?

If I did, how did I wind up back in my bed?

Did the Queen carry me?

My face burns hotter than before and my lungs flutter like butterfly wings.I move from my bed to the bathroom, washing my face with cold water and staring at my reflection, water dripping off my chin, my green eyes fiercely confused and lost, childlike in a sense.

"What is wrong with you?" I whisper, my heart pounding in my chest.

"What are these feelings?" I ask, part of me hoping to get a reasonable explanation fromthe wild blonde girl that stars back at me in the mirror.

"What is she doing to me?" I whisper, barely audible, my voice quivering.

These feelings I feel, overwhelming and terrifying, have become harder and harder to ignore. They burn in my chest, making my knees weak and my breath hitched whenever I even think about the golden eyed, dark haired, beautiful, enticing, intimidating woman.

Is this a trick? Some sort of game for the Queen? Was she using some sort of enchantment to make me develop feelings for her so that she could tear me down?

I know vampires enjoy watching humans suffer. It gives them pleasure to see us in pain. Was the Queen planning on hurting me emotionally? Were her kind acts towards me all just to get me to fall for her?

I feel at a loss.

I do not understand the kindness the Queen has shown me, nor her patients for my attitude and rudeness.

She had woken me from my nightmare last night, cradled me until I stopped trembling from fear. She stayed when she sensed I did not want to be alone and laid with me, holding me in her arms.

Those were not actions you'd expect from a cruel, heartless, killed, blood sucking Queen who was feared and respected by all. I had heard many stories of the Queen Of Blood, how she was not tolerant of disrespect, how she was merciless and cold, taking what she wanted when she wanted.

Yet, last night she was nothing but careful, soft and gentle. Protective, loving even.

I did not even think a vampire could ever feel those emotions, never mind show them towards a human.

For thousands of years vampires, along with all the other fae, have treated us humans like dirt, worse than animals. Torturing us, enslaving us, killing us, and raping us.

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