Ch 4: Avery Blossom

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Queen Celestia had never been so confused or at a loss of what to do or feel in her eight hundred years of existence.

Guilt was a new feeling to her. So was shame. Both feelings now stung her heart like a thousand wasps all at once.

She was not even aware she had a heart to begin with.

Yes she knew she had a heart in a physical sense, but in the metaphorical world of things she had always believed her heart was absent.

And she had been fine with that.

Now she was all too painfully aware of her metaphorical heart that pounded in her chest whenever she laid eyes on that blasted human.

What was so different about that human? Why did she stand out to the Queen over all other humans?

The Queen had never found humans to be interesting. To her they were a source of food. That's all they were good for: supplying her with the blood that gave her the energy to run her kingdom as the fierce, relentless ruler she was known to be.

Up until now she had never wished to invite a human into her chambers. She had never wanted to feel a human in her sheets.

Yes, she had had sex. From time to time she sedated any sexual desires that would arise in her by satisfying herself using others of her kind, she had always mingled with other vampires. Always one night stands that were nothing more to her then a way to rid herself of her primal needs.

Now she wanted a human.

She needed a human.

Not just any human, her skin crawled for her. Her fangs ached in her mouth, her heart tightened in her chest, her muscles twitched beneath her skin with an indescribable craving.

A craving not only for her blood, but for something more...

The Queen growled and slammed her fist onto her desk, the wood splintering under her power.

She sighed in frustration and got up from her desk chair, pacing towards the window and staring out over the night lit view of the capital of her kingdom.

"I'd rather die then live under your control."

Those words haunted the Queen like an unwanted shadow.

For the past many centuries that Celestia had walked the lands of Arabeth she had taken what she wanted without remorse. If she smelled a human who had the blood she desired she would take that blood until she was satisfied.

And this human's blood was the sweetest, most mouth watering she had ever scented.

So why did she not just take it?

She knew why.

Because the feelings that had settled themselves in every fiber of her being would not allow it.

Why would they not allow it?

She knew that too.

Because the human girl feared her. She could smell the fear radiating off her when she saw the Queen's hunger arise in her eyes.

That smell of fear made the Queen feel disgusted with herself.

She had always basked in the glory of having everything that moved fear her power.

She had loved the respect she had earned for herself from all her subjects. She had always enjoyed knowing that no one would disobey her because they feared the consequences of her wrath.

The Queen of BloodWhere stories live. Discover now