Ch 8: Yellow King

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I spend yet another morning in the library with Nicole teaching her to read. She's a fast learner, I have to give her that. After lunch I spend a few hours with Patrick in the gardens, followed by dinner in my bedroom with Sarah.

"The sparrow looks as though he's nearly completely healed," Sarah comments. I glance over at the cage, where the little bird is perched on a roost, chirping a merry little song.

"He's made a good recovery," I smile, "I'll keep him for a few more days before I release him off into the winds."

"Oh I wanted to tell you something," Sarah says. I turn my attention back to her, waiting for her to continue.

"Several severely injured slaves arrived at the Palace this morning, they said they came from Harth Town, the one the Queen saved. Apparently they were going to be killed because their wounds were too serious, but the Queen stopped the guards ordered to kill them and sent them back to the Palace," Sarah says, and I findmy heart skipping in my chest, my eyes widening in surprise, "she apparently ordered for them to be treated fairly and to not be harmed. One of the slaves even told me she smiled at them."

"W-why would the Queen do that?" I splutter.

"No idea, pretty strange isn't it?" Sarah shrugs, I slowly nod, my mind whirring. Again my gaze turns to the sparrow, thinking back to when I stopped the Queen from killing it."You would have me spare it's life even though it in no way benefits my own?" She asks slowly. At first I scoff, astounded she would ask such a heartless question. Then I notice the genuine curiosity in her golden eyes.

"Yes," I answer her question. She watches me for a few moments.

"It injured its wing," She says slowly, "it can not fly. Would it not be less merciless to end its life now?"

"No!" I exclaim, at first outraged. Then I notice the consistent genuine curiosity, as if she is trying to understand my behavior.

"No," I say more calmly,"if you can fix something you do not throw it away, or in this case kill it. If you can help something, or someone, you do it. Regardless of whether saving its life does or does not benefit your own."

"Anyways, I thought you might be interested in that news," Sarah continues talking, pulling me out of the memory, "and it's a good thing, that the Queen spared their lives. Maybe there's hope for us."

Her words strike me in my heart. Did the Queen save them because of what I taught her about saving lives instead of unnecessarily taking them?

Was I influencing the Queen to change her ways...?

Is it possible that I, a mere normal human, am melting the Queen's icy heart?

When I drift into sleep I fall back into the nightmares, waking yet again early the next morning twisting, screaming and covered in a cold sweat.

***Celestia spent yet another day traveling from town to town, calming her people down. More meetings and gatherings were held with other higher council members. The Queen knew it would take yet another full day before she could return to the Palace. She till had to set some things in order and speak to a few more Lords and Dukes.

It had already been two full days and nights since the Queen had been near Estrella, and the ache in her heart had become an excruciating pain she could not ignore. However she knew she had to put her duties as the Queen first.

"You seem troubled, sister," Celestia turned to see Eloise standing at her door, her arms folded and her silver eyes observing the Queen.

"There is much to be troubled about, Eloise," Celestia said, turning her gaze back to the view of the window.

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