Ch 3: Copper Red

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I wake to bright beams of light streaking in through the window. It takes me a few minutes to figure out my surroundings and where I am, and a further few moments to remember all the events that have taken place in the past twenty four hours.

I sit up, my eyes squinting as they adjust to the morning sunlight. I pull back the silk sheets and swing my legs over the side of the bed, pulling myself to my feet. I pad over to the bathroom.

Another thing I'm not used to using in a toilet. At basecamp we had long drops that we'd have to cover up and dig whenever one was filled up.

I wash my face, ridding the sleep from my eyes and using the cold water to wake me up completely.

I stare at my reflection. Now that I've had a good night's rest and that I'm over the shock of being captured and made a slave I need to get my ducks in a row. I need to think of a plan of how I could possibly get out of here and escape.

Even I know how impossible that's going to be.

There's a loud knocking on the bedroom door that pulls me out of my thoughts. I exit the bathroom and make my way over to the bedroom door, opening it to come face to face with Nicole.

"Morning Blood bag," she growls.

"Morning jackass," I smile sweetly back at her. She glares at me for a few moments before handing me a pair of neatly folded underwear and a light green dress. I scowl at the sight of the dress.

"What's with the dresses," I mutter, taking the clothes from her anyhow.

"Why don't you ask the Queen," snarls Nicole sarcastically, "she's the one who picks out your outfits."

"I will," I snap back at her.

"Get dressed. The Queen wants you to join her for breakfast," She glowers at me with hateful red eyes.

My heartbeat picks up a little speed at the thought of being near the Queen again. She manages to both absolutely terrify me and leave me ecstatic with excitement. It confuses me.

I dress slowly, replaying the events of last night in my head. It still baffles me that the Queen hasn't fed upon me, or forced me into something even worse, like sex.

Once I finish getting dressed I exit the room, where I find Nicole and the other guard waiting.

"No marks," snorts the other guard, her eyes scanning my neck, "the queen hasn't touched her yet. You were right."

"What?" I ask, scowling between the two guards in confusion.

"Nothing, blood bag," Nicole says, "let's get moving. You don't want to keep her majesty waiting."

The other guard turns and starts to lead the way and I follow, Nicole walking one step behind me, staying just in my vision for me to notice her watching me with a curious frown on her face.

"What's your problem?" I ask her, fixing her with a glare.

"I don't get it," she says, "why you? Up until now the Queen has held herself above mingling with humans in the bedroom. I've never even heard of her feeding directly off that many humans before, usually she has them drained and drinks their blood without having to get physical. She's never had a personal blood slave. What makes you so special?"

I grind my teeth and frown. I don't even know the answers to her questions, and boy would I love to understand why I've been picked out by the queen.

By now we've reached an outside sort of room, one that is made entirely of glass and looks over an incredible rose and flower garden. I gather myself together as my eyes fall upon the Queen herself, who is sitting in a chair at a small four-seated table that is set for two, baskets of fresh looking fruits and delicious smelling pastries cover the table.

The Queen of BloodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang