Chapter 5- Confession (and school)

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A/N: I'm sorry, I just had to use that picture!!
it's not mine-
Also, There is NO song here!! Yay!!!
-Killer POV-

" g-go first." I stuttered, blushing a bit. "No.. y-you can go fi-first." Nightmare mumbled. He's actually stuttering..? Why is he nervous-? Wait- No- ...

Maybe he does like me too.

I took a deep breath. "Well, okay th-then..." I started. This is the eye of the hurricane. (A/N:i h a d t o -) This is the only time I can confess. It's now or or never. "I- I um.."

"I like you..."

-Le nootmares POV-

Did he just..? He did. Thats- Thats literally what I was going to say?? THIS IS AWKWARD-?!?! OH MY GOSH HE LIKES ME BACK!!! H O L Y - HE LIKES ME. HE LIKES ME? H E L I K E S M E !

"I- I do too.." I muttered in response. "In fact, thats what I was going to tell you." Killers face was priceless. "Re-REALLY?!" He gasped. I nodded. "Ye-Yeah-!"

Suddenly, Cross, Horror, Dust, and Gradient kicked the door down and screeched, "NOW KISS!!!!" I stared at them. Killer turned around in disbelief. "G-GUYS!!" He squeaked- yes, SQUEAKED. "We-WE WERE HAVING A MOMENT!!!" Completely ignoring Killer, the four shippers started a chant.

"Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!!" They sang, their faces filled with excitement. "G-gu-!" Killer was interrupted by me kissing him. Killer slowly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. (A/N: Skeleton style~)

Gradient, Cross, Dust, and Horror cheered. "THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!" Cross exclaimed. Gradient whipped out his phone and took a picture. Dust and Horror were cheering and whooping. "YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!" "MY F-CKING OTP!!" "YEAST." "Dude this is so gay lol"

Yeah no sh-t, Cross.

I walked to the AU school with my friend, a Frisk from dancetale- otherwise known as Ballet. "So, how did your weekly 'Bison Search' go?" She asked me, smirking. "Very well- I found a LEMUR!!" I proudly exclaimed. Ballets eyes widened. "Really?!" She cried in disbelief. I nodded. "I can show you after school!" I offered. "Okay then! I wanna see this for myself. I'm guessing you named it Momo?" Ballet guessed. I nodded. "Precisely, my friend,"

     Reaching the school, I wrenched open the doors and we walked inside. "Hey! Ballet- Paperjam!!" A sans called out to Ballet and I. "Oh- Hey, Goth!" Ballet said, smiling. "Hows it going?" I asked.

      "Weeelllllllll...I might have walked into my parents doing..uhh... IT." Goth sheepishly replied.  I snorted. "That's rough, buddy." I chuckled, patting Goths back. "Yeah- there goes your innocence, and maybe some of mine." Ballet said. Goth shrugged. "Sorryyy..." He muttered.

     Ballet pat Goths head. "No worries," She said. "We better get to class, too." I nodded, looking at the clock. "Well then, let us press on!" I cried out, leading our tiny group to the science room.

-a mini time skip-

     "Uhhhh.... wheres Sci?" Goth whispered. It had been five minutes since clads started, but there was no teacher. Ballet and I both shrugged- and then someone walked into the classroom.

      "I smell.." Ballet uttered. The entire class knew exactly what this woman was. A karen. 'Oh, sh-t,' I thought to myself. 'This is bad.' The Karen walked up to the front of the class.

"Hello children, my name is Ms. Caren, and I will be your teacher today because your science teacher dude is hell knows where." The Karen spoke. "This is bad..." A human named Mango muttered.

"OI!" Ms. Karen snapped. "What did you just say?!" Mango looked up at Ms. Karen and gulped. "N-nothing.." She muttered. "I heard you, young lady. Tell me what you said right now." Ms. Karen said aloud.

I thought about interfering. I mean, I could get into trouble, but hey! I know how to deal with a Karen. "HEY!" I yelled. "What she said doesn't concern you, so I suggest you just go back to actually teaching our class."

Ms. Karen stared at me. "You dare talk back to your teacher?!" She said. I nodded, folding my arms. "Yes, I dare!" I retorted, smirking. Goth looked up at me in awe. What Ms. Karen said next though, made the entire class burst out in laughter.

"YOUNG MAN, LET ME SpEak tO yOur mAnGer!"

      I SAW THAT F-CKING COMING!!! Everyone started wheezing. "Oh my gosh, YES!" I cried out. Ms. Karen looked at everyone, angry and confused. "Bruh-" Goth said. "I don't have a manager, unless you mean my parents or the principal-" I spoke out.

     Ms. Karens face lit up. "YES!! Let me speak to the principal! I'm sure he will expel you!" She exclaimed, quite delighted about the thought of having me expelled. The principal is Core Frisk, if you're wondering, and Karen here just assumed their gender.

      After a few minutes of walking, we reached the principals office. I grinned, excited to see what Core would think. Ms. Karen opened the door, revealing Core Frisk. Their head shot up. "I am ever so sorry for interrupting your work, principal, but this kid right here-" She glared at me and I smirked at her, "-Just talked back to me in the middle of class."

    Core looked at me. "Is that so..?" They asked. Ms. Karen nodded. "Well... Paperjam, would you like to tell me your side of the story?" I nodded happily. "Yes, please." I replied. "Ms. Kare-C A R E N here started yelling at a kid in our class, specifically Mango, because she said something that didn't have to do with any of us. All I did was defend Mango." I explained.

    "Hmm. Well... though it IS wrong to talk back to a teacher, it is also wrong to yell at a student for nothing, Ms. Caren." Core said. "I don't see any reason that you had to bring Paperjam to my office, too. I'm sure you could have solved this on your own."

     Ms. Karen was outraged. "I- o-of course.." She muttered, trying to hide her anger. "Well, I'm sure the rest of your class is waiting for you, so I suggest you two go back to class." Core continued. "Yes, yes... come here." Ms. Karen muttered, proceeding to drag me back to class. "You're lucky you survived this one, young man." She hissed. I just smirked in response. "And i'm lucky that your just a substitute, huh?" I said to her.
A/N: Lol hope you enjoyed this one

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