Chapter 3- First Encounters

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(Third person POV)
    "What the heck is going on here..?" Gradient asked aloud as he walked downstairs the next day. "Get BACK HERE-" Cross screeched, chasing Horror around the house.

    "Amen, child." Dust muttered behind Gradient. "This is seriously what happens everyday?" He asked Dust, who nodded and shrugged in response. "You're gonna get used to it, kid." Then suddenly, Dusts eyes lit up.

    "Do you ship people?" He asked Gradient. "Wait, what-?" "Ship people! As in, ship people in a relationship~! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Dust explained, grinning. Gradient was still a bit confused. "Err, no..?" He slowly replied. Dust put his hand on Gradients shoulder. "Then we must introduce you to the art of ships and love~" "Uh-"

    "Breakfast is ready!!" Killer called from the kitchen. Horror dashed over to the kitchen. "::000 PANCAKES :D" He gasped in excitement. "Kay sit down idiots." Nightmare ordered, everyone obeying and taking a seat. "Now..."

   "Any new ships that we must sail?"

   Gradient was NOT expecting that.
-Inks POV-

    Error was being a lazy a-s and watching TV, Pj was playing with Momo, and I have nothing to do. I sat in my room, sitting on my desk. Thats when I got a message from Dream.
Simping For Ninjas: Heyy Ink


Simping For Ninjas:Hows life :3

Me:You spammed me just for that?

Simping For Ninjas:Actually not just that

Theres a really negative feeling from an Outertale copy

like reeaaaallllllyyy negative



*Message Deleted*(Negative as f-ck)

Me::0 U swear??

Simping For Ninjas:Sorry T^T

Anyway can you check it out with me

It might be Noots gang and if it is I dont wanna go alone

Me:Okay, Ill come

Which copy

Simping For Ninjas:#9

Me:kay be right there
There goes a calm morning. Couldn't you have just asked Blue, Dream? Also yes I changed Dreams contact on my phone to 'Simping For Ninjas'-

A few minutes later, I got to the scene, where Dream was fighting Killer and Horror. "Oh look, if it isn't the b-tch squid themselves." Killer commented. "Heheh, the more the merrier!" Horror exclaimed, grinning like a maniac.

-mEaNwHilE wIth GraDIent iN hIs pOv-

"Wait, Gradient!" Cross called. I turned around to face Cross. "What-?" "Your fathers here."

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