Ushiten (Continued)

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Sorry I forgot to mention they are college students now

Tendou: No fair

Ushijima: Just a few times

Tendou: Nooooo

No one's POV

Ushijima then thrusted in and out constantly untill they both released. After they both cleaned thier bodies and hair with soap then dried each other when they got out.

Tendou: Mm now my hair is down

Ushijima: Tch

Tendou: What happened

Ushijima: I got hard again

Tendou: How

Ushijima: Sorry just looking at you turned me on

Tendou: Aww thank you


Tendou: NO WE DON'T

Ushijima: Yeah we have to come on Tendou *Carries Tendou over his shoulder*

Tendou: Wakatoshi no

Ushijima: Actully why were you calling me Ushijima yesterday

Tendou: Want me to call you Miracle Boy

Ushijima: Oh I like it

They ended up doing it all afternoon untill Semi called Tendou. They were both naked and sitting on the bed while tendou called Semi.

Tendou: Hello SemiSemi what happened

Ushijima:  Mmmn *Gives a sad look*

Semi: Is there someone else there

Tendou: No *Sighs*

Semi: then what is it

No answer


Ushijima: Mhn *Continues licking Tendou's member*

Tendou: Mn I am.......Fine Semi sorry continue

Semi: Oh well I asked what it was but nvm, I just want to know if you got Ushijima home safe

Tendou: Y....Yeah......One second

Semi: Oh ok

Tendou: *Mutes phone* Wakatoshi quit it *shoves him away*

Ushijima: But I want you to pay attention to me

Tendou: After I swear ok

Ushijima: Ok I am going to make something for us to eat *Gets dressed*

Tendou: Ok *Cleans up and gets dressed* Sorry Seni I am back

Semi: Ok.......Wanna video call

Tendou: Ah maybe later

Semi: You never made it home did you

Tendou: What do you mean

Semi: You're with Ushijima right

Tendou: Well he is in the kitchen and I am in the bedroom so I am not with him

Semi: Ha so you are at his place

Tendou: Ah whatev........


Semi: Aww guess you should get going

Tendou: Oh shut up

Shirabu: Is that Tendou

Tendou: Aww Shirabu is with you

Semi: Oh be quiet *Hangs up*

Tendou: Hehe *Runs downstairs*

Tendou and Ushijima enjoyed eating while in each other's presence. They were eating pancakes and drinking chocolate milk.

Tendou: Mn yummy *Drinks chocolate milk and gets milk mustache*

Ushijima: Hah

Tendou: What

Ushijima then licked the chocolate off his face and kissed him softly.


Ushijima: Ok my new baby

Tendou: Hmph ok baby

1 year later (Tendou's POV)

Me and Ushijima were getting ready for work since we had two different jobs in two different places.

Ushijima: I am gonna miss you

Tendou: We will see each other during lunch calm down

Ushijima: Hmph fine but once work is over we are gonna do it

Tendou: Whatever

Ushijima: I love you

Tendou: Love you two

Both men got into different cars and went different ways. When they got home they eventually had fun.


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